
  • 网络low load;low impact
  1. 低负荷条件下提高CFB锅炉效率的措施

    Measures for enhancing efficiency of CFB boilers under low load condition

  2. 基于ANSYS的汽轮机低负荷工况相对胀差分析

    Analysis of Differential Expansion of Steam Turbine Under Working Mode of the Low Load Based on ANSYS

  3. 低负荷运行具有能延长物理寿命的优点。

    Underrating has the advantage of increasing physical life .

  4. 溶解氧对低负荷CAST工艺除磷效果的影响

    DO effect on P removal in low COD loading CAST process

  5. 小城镇低负荷SBR工艺运行参数优化研究

    Study on the operation data optimization of the low-load SBR in small town

  6. 1000t/h双炉膛直流炉低负荷特性试验

    Low Load Performance Test of 1000t / h Twin-furnace Once-through Boiler

  7. 研究ABR在低负荷下的启动情况。

    The startup of ABR under low organic loading was studied .

  8. 但是,这并不意味着SBR法不可能发生污泥膨胀,通过大量试验发现,在低负荷和沉淀及闲置时间过长时.SBR法也会产生污泥膨胀。

    While low-loading and much longer settling and idling time , sludge bulking would occur in SBR .

  9. 尤其在中、低负荷,可以使排气中的NOx降低85%~95%。

    The reduction of NO_x emission by EGR can be more than 85 % - 95 % .

  10. 试验得出低负荷是ABR反应器成功启动的关键。

    The results reveal that low organic loading rate is the key to start-up of reactor .

  11. FAI二冲程缸内直喷发动机怠速及低负荷特性研究

    Study on Idle and Low-load Properties of FAI Two-stroke DISI Engine

  12. Scrum以一种低负荷的方式进行组织,并依靠自我组织的团队。

    Scrum organizes them in a way that is low overhead and relies on self-organizing teams .

  13. 说明水平浓淡煤粉燃烧技术是低负荷稳燃及降低NOx排放的有效方法。

    It prove that Horizontal Bias Coal Combustion technology is the effective method to low load steady fire and reduce NOx emission .

  14. 实时顾客会话(在该场景中站点是低负荷的)将被转移到另一个JVM。

    Live shopper sessions ( remember in this scenario the site is under load ) fall over to the other JVMs .

  15. 电机长期工作在低负荷时的效率和功率因数均较低,降低了空调机组的性能系数COP,增加了空调机组的能耗。

    The property coefficient COP of air conditioner system reduced and its consumption increased when the electrical motor operated at lower load .

  16. 低负荷A-B法处理乙烯工业污水

    Treatment of the Ethylene Industrial Sewage in the Low - load A-B Method

  17. FAI缸内直喷二冲程汽油机低负荷燃烧特性的研究

    Study of Light Load Combustion Characteristics of a Two-Stroke DISI Engine with FAI Injection System

  18. 理论和实践证明,双通道浓淡煤粉燃烧器是一种具有高效、低负荷稳燃、火焰可调、低NOx排放性能的先进煤粉燃烧器。

    It is proved the burner is an advanced pulverized coal combustor of high efficiency , low load combustibility , variable flame and low NOx performances .

  19. SCR电驱动钻机的柴油发电机组所使用的柴油机,在低负荷运行时结碳严重,直接影响钻机的可靠性和经济性。

    Carbon-laydown occurs seriously in diesel engines on SCR electric drilling rigs during underload Performance , which affects the reliability and efficiency of the rigs .

  20. 台山电厂600MW机组低负荷经济运行协调控制系统优化研究

    Optimization of Coordinated Control System during Low-load Economic Operation of 600 MW Units in Taishan Power Plant

  21. MQTT是基于TCP/IP的发布/订阅消息传递协议,针对低负荷网络的通信而设计。

    MQTT is a TCP / IP-based publish / subscribe messaging protocol , designed for communication over low-overhead networks .

  22. 初步试验研究了应用FAI喷射技术的缸内直喷二冲程汽油机低负荷工况下的燃烧特性。

    This paper introduces the preliminary study of light load combustion characteristics of a two-stroke DISI engine applying free armature injection ( FAI ) technology .

  23. 在低负荷工况采用DME/甲醇双燃料会导致过低的发动机热效率,宜燃用单一DME燃料并采用大比例EGR方案来改善热效率。

    For light load , low thermal efficiency results from DME / methanol dual fuel , So pureDME with high EGR rate may be a good choice for HCCI operation .

  24. 国产200MW锅炉低负荷调峰的试验研究

    Testing and Research on Peaking Operation of Homemade 200 MW Boiler at Low Load

  25. 结合燃烧技术的分析,对直流燃烧器与旋流燃烧器锅炉的燃烧效率、低负荷稳燃及NOx排放性能等进行了比较。

    Combining with analysis of combustion technology , this paper makes a comparison between tangentially-fired burner and swirl burner in different performance of combustion efficiency , stable ignition under part load operation and emission of NOx .

  26. 指出了SCR的加装使压力波动增大,低负荷时会影响稳定燃烧,使炉膛内爆的可能性变大,引风机喘振出现的几率变大。

    The installation of SCR would lead to the increase of pressure fluctuation , do harm to the burning stability of the furnace , and give more chances to boiler implosion as well as induced fan surge .

  27. 200MW机组电站锅炉调峰低负荷水循环安全可靠性

    The Reliability on Water Circulation Safety of Peak Shaving Low Load in 200 MW Power Plant Boiler

  28. 介绍了合成氨装置低负荷改制氢存在的技术问题和工艺解决方法,同时论述PSA在低负荷改造中的特点和应用。

    This thesis describes the existing problems and process solutions to the low load hydrogen production converted from the synthesis ammonia unit . The thesis also discusses the features and applications of the PSA under the low load revamp .

  29. 论述了在200MW机组电站锅炉所作的调峰低负荷水循环安全在线监测试验。

    This paper has been described on line monitoring test of water circulation safety on 200 MW power plant boiler .

  30. SC-DF燃烧器是一种集点火、低负荷稳燃、节油于一体的新型燃烧器。

    SC-DF is a new type burner which combines ignition , steady combustion under low load and oil saving in one .