
dī jù tǐ
  • oligomer
  1. 改性用有机硅低聚体的合成研究

    Study on the Synthesis of Silicon Oligomer for Modification

  2. 原花色素多聚体被降解为低聚体后具有很强的生理药理活性。

    The proanthocyanidins has strong physiological and pharmacological activity after the polymer be degraded into oligomer .

  3. 低聚体的存在增加纤维的吸水量,这种增塑作用使聚酰胺-6纤维的Tg和再结晶温度大大下降。

    T g and recrystallization temperature of Nylon-6 fibre are greatly reduced by the plasticizing effect of oligomer and water .

  4. 肿瘤相关抗原Tn及其低聚体的合成

    Synthesis of tumor associated antigen Tn and its oligomers

  5. 目的:建立LTC4放射受体结合实验方法,并比较二苯乙烯低聚体(Gn3)和LTC4受体的结合特性。

    AIM : To set up a radio ligand binding assay of LTC 4 for studying the effect of Gn 3 ( a stilbene polymer isolated from Gnetum parvifolium ) on the LTC 4 receptor .

  6. 聚芳砜低聚体及其双烯大分子单体的凝胶色谱

    Gel Permeation Chromatography of Polysulfone Oligomers and Its Divinyl Macromolecular Monomer

  7. 二苯乙烯低聚体对小鼠实验性肝损伤的影响

    Effect of stilbene polymer ( gn-3 ) on experimental liver injuries in mice

  8. 环氧类反应性低聚体对聚碳酸酯/热致液晶聚合物原位复合体系的增容改性研究

    Compatibility of In situ Composites of Polycarbonate / thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Epoxy Oligomer

  9. 试论市场经济下的利益分配格局白藜芦醇低聚体类似物的结构与分布

    Benefits Distribution Structure under Market Economy

  10. 由于这些低聚体的构象的多样性以及彼此之间的快速转化,在实验上很难来表征其三维结构。

    These oligomers are difficult to characterize experimentally due to their diverse morphologies and rapid conformational fluctuations .

  11. 多聚体原花色素降解为低聚体有化学降解和生物降解两种方法。

    There are two methods to degrade the proanthocyanidins polymer into oligomer , chemical degradation and biological degradation .

  12. 本文从这三种结构出发综述了近几年来苯胺低聚体的合成与光谱表征。

    In this article , the progress in synthesis and characterization of oligoanilines in last decade is reviewed .

  13. 有机硅低聚体的研究是促进有机硅及其改性树脂发展的重要因素。

    The research of organic silicon oligomer is important to promote the development of organic silicon resins and its modified resins .

  14. 通过有机硅树脂低聚体与丙烯酸酯树脂的接枝反应,合成有机硅低聚体改性丙烯酸酯树脂,并对影响改性树脂性能的重要因素进行了探讨,找出了合成改性树脂的最优条件。

    The important factors for influence on properties of siloxane-acrylate resin were discussed , the optimal formulas for resin were obtained .

  15. 近期,有关可能折叠成蛋白质二级结构低聚体的设计、合成工作已备受关注。

    In recent years there has been intense interest in the design of pseudo-peptide oligomers that fold into well - defined secondary structures .

  16. 结论表明RP-HPLC/ESI-MS联用可以分析葡萄籽原花青素低聚体的基本组成。

    Conclusion This study demonstrates the capability of the combination of RP-HPLC with ESI-MS to analyze the composition of oligomeric procyanidins in grape seed extracts .

  17. 但是目前水溶液中低聚体结构以及纳米颗粒对这些低聚体的影响仍然是未知的。

    However , the nature of the oligomers in solution and the effects of nanoparticles on the structures of these oligomers are still not well understood .

  18. 架桥位置在端侧的架桥型低聚体的合成及其包合机能研究目的:探讨合重建在老年人合机能恢复中的作用。

    The synthesis and inclusion properties of bridge acyclic p-substituted phenol-formaldehyde oligomers Objective : To study effect of occlusal restoration for occlusal function recovery in old patiens .

  19. 研究了合成反应条件对聚合物形貌的影响,发现聚合前主客体氢键络合物和功能单体氢键低聚体是控制微球形成及其粒径大小的关键因素。

    It was found that the hydrogen bonded complexes of monomer template and oligo functional monomers before polymerization is the control factor governing the formation of microsphere .

  20. 它具有多种改性低聚体:环氧类、聚氨酯类、聚酯类、聚醚类和胺改性的。

    Synthesis of Ester CSP from Amino Acid A myriad of co-oligomers is possible : epoxy , urethane , polyester , polyether , amine and combinations are available .

  21. 一种低聚体和由α-羟基羧酸和α-氨基酸或肽组成的副低聚体的酶合成成分。

    An enzymatic synthesis and composition of oligomers and co-oligomers comprised of . alpha . - hydroxy carboxylic acids and . alpha . - amino acids or peptides is disclosed .

  22. 但是,利用价值高的低聚体部分所占比重少,主要是以多聚体的形式存在,从而降低了其生物利用度,影响其生物活性。

    However , the content of oligomers with high utilization value is low , and the main content is polymer , which results the decrease of its bioavailability and biological activity .

  23. 首次提出高聚物中那些聚合度很低的低聚体的存在,是导致膜质量变差的至为关键因素的学术见解。

    A scientific view that the existence of small moleculars with very low polymerization degree in the polymer is the one of key factors for the decline of the membrane quality was proposed firstly .

  24. 然而塑料内常含有残留单体、添加剂、低聚体、加工助剂等化学物,在其与食品接触过程中可能发生迁移而污染食品,从而对人体健康产生潜在的危害。

    However , plastic usually contains residual monomers , additives , oligomers , processing aids , etc. and they may migration from the packaging to the foodstuff with which it is in contact . Such substances bring big hidden trouble for food safety and public health .

  25. 巴戟天中菊淀粉型低聚糖类单体成分对小鼠的抗抑郁作用

    Antidepressant effect of inulin-type oligosaccharides from

  26. 表明低聚态羊毛粉体的加入使得薄膜的非晶区含量相对增加。

    This indicates that the addition of the lowly polymerized wool powder is relatively easy to increase the amorphous content of the films .