
  • 网络Low calorific value gas;low heating value gas
  1. 研究的对象为低热值气体掺氢燃料发动机,采用台架试验研究的研究方法。

    The object of the research is low heating value gas mixed with hydrogen gas flue engine .

  2. 在低热值气体燃料中掺入氢气能够有效降低CO和HC排放,但同时会大幅的增加NOx排放。

    Hydrogen addition can decrease CO and HC emissions effectively , but the amount NOx emission increases obviously meanwhile .

  3. 低热值气体燃料缸内主要污染物NOX、CO的分布具有明显的规律性,甲醛生成量相比常规排放物小两个数量级。

    The normal exhaust emissions like NOX , CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder . The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions .

  4. 低热值气体燃料发动机燃烧特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of a Lower-Heat-Value Gas Engine

  5. 采用的计算方案适用于研究变负荷、变组分的低热值气体燃烧装置,可为此类装置的工程设计提供依据.混合气体中煤气热值偏低;

    It provides a good basis for the engineering design of the equipments of same type . the heat value of gas in the mixed gas is relatively low .

  6. 本文受到了国家自然科学基金资助项目低热值气体燃料发动机燃烧稳定性的基础研究的支持,项目编号50676008。

    This article is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation funded project " basic research on low calorific value gas fuel engine combustion stability " . Project number : 50676008 .

  7. 对稀薄低热值气体在往复式热循环多孔介质燃烧系统的“超焓燃烧”特性进行了研究。

    Based on the comparison of the model with the experimental results , the effective of the model was verified , and the mechanism of excess enthalpy combustion in the system was clarified .

  8. 因此,发展低浓度可燃废气燃烧技术不仅能够节能,最重要的意义在于可以减排;探索贫燃料(超低热值可燃气体)自维持燃烧的方法对控制环境污染、回收能量都是十分有意义的。

    The development of low concentration exhaust gas direct combustion technology can not only save energy , but it is important that it can reduce discharge . Therefore , it is very significant to explore sustain combustion of lean fuel for controlling environment pollution and using energy .

  9. 但如果天然气中含有过多的低热值燃料或惰性气体(但仍符合我国的天然气成分标准),则同时对动力性和排放特性产生明显的影响。

    If there is too much inert gases or the fuel whose heat value too lower ( but it still accords with natural gas standard for vehicle ) , the power performance and exhaust emission characteristic were markedly influenced synchronously .

  10. 它能够实现低热值,甚至超低热值气体的稳定燃烧,具有燃烧稳定、燃烧速率高、可燃极限宽和污染物排放低等显著优点。

    It can be used to implement steady combustion with fuel of low or extremely low calorific value . The porous media burner has advantages of stable combustion , higher flame speed , wider lean flammability limit and less pollutants emission .