
  • 网络pulp;pulp fiction
  1. 有传言说,曾执导《低俗小说》的昆汀塔伦蒂诺很有兴趣让Gaga姐参演其下一部电影,知情人告诉MTV:昆汀是Gaga的超级粉丝,超喜欢她的个性。

    The Pulp Fiction director is rumoured to be keen to cast the Judas singer in his next project , with a source telling MTV : ' Quentin is a huge fan of Gaga and loves her whole personality .

  2. “低俗小说”的比喻虽不中亦不远。

    The analogy with pulp fiction may be not too far off .

  3. 低俗小说是一部上映于1994年的美国犯罪电影,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺。

    Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American crime film directed by Quentin Tarantino .

  4. 可你却知道低俗小说里的食客?

    But you know the diner from pulp fiction ?

  5. 特拉沃尔塔拒绝了这个角色,而出演了昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的《低俗小说》。

    Travolta turned down the part , though , to appear in Quentin Tarantino 's Pulp Fiction .

  6. 人们认为低俗小说为以后的电影作品提供了灵感,这些电影吸收了它的许多元素。

    Pulp Fiction is viewed asthe inspiration for many later movies that adopted various elements of its style .

  7. 低俗小说影响到了独立电影的发展,(尽管其本身不是一部独立电影)。

    It had a major effect onthe field of independent cinema ( although it is not an independent film itself ) .

  8. 有了家庭的支持,特拉沃尔塔的事业重放光彩,凭借《低俗小说》他再创佳绩。

    With the life ordering support of family , career lightning up and struck a second time , in the form of pulp fiction .

  9. 当时的Primitif香水广告中就是一个超级惹火的娇艳女郎,樱唇微启,活生生从低俗小说封面中跳出来一样,下面的广告语是:“为何不让你的香水把你不敢说的说出来呢?”

    In the 1950s perfume ad for Primitif , under the image of a sultry super-vixen with half-parted lips who looks like she just jumped from the cover of a pulp novel , a tagline asks , ' Why not let your perfume say the things you would not dare to ? '

  10. 几乎每家书店外都摆着手推车与特制书架,上面放着二手书,而在它们背后的橱窗里,各种书籍放得满满当当——从低俗类小说到封面压印图案的皮革装订珍版书,应有尽有。

    Outside almost every shop were barrows and ad hoc shelves loaded with second-hand volumes , while the windows behind them were stuffed with anything from pulp novels to rare tooled leather bindings .

  11. 我喜欢那些低俗杂志的调调,《81英里休息区》就是一个低俗小说,我觉得它更有质感一些。

    I loved all that pulp stuff , and that 's what " Mile 81 " is , it 's a pulp story , and I like to think it has a little more texture .