
  • 网络low cholesterol diet
  1. 许多认为自己遵照低胆固醇饮食方法进食的人,其实不然。

    Many people who believe they 're following a low & cholesterol diet really aren 't.

  2. 维持低胆固醇饮食,每天的胆固醇摄入量不要超过300毫克。

    Maintain a low-cholesterol diet , with no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day .

  3. 多伦多大学的研究人员发明一种新的饮食搭配,将其命名为“低胆固醇饮食组合”,其组成包括:富含植物固醇的人造黄油;

    Researchers at the University of Toronto created what they called a " dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods " that included margarine enriched with plant sterols ;

  4. 彻底戒烟,低胆固醇、低盐饮食同样重要。

    Strictly to give up smoking , low cholesterol , low salt diet is also important .

  5. 结论低能量、低脂、低盐、低胆固醇饮食结构模式是长寿主要原因之一;

    Conclusion Dietary structure mode with low energy , low fat , low salt , and low cholesterin is one of the main reasons of longevity .

  6. 结果与中国营养学会推荐的中国居民膳食参考摄入量相比,巴马长寿地区长寿老人家庭的饮食结构模式为低能量、低脂、低盐、低胆固醇饮食;

    Results Compared with Chinese residents ' dietary reference intakes recommended by Chinese Nutrition Association , the family dietary structure modes of families with long-lived people in Bama , Guangxi province , were diets with low energy , low fat , low salt , and low cholesterin .