
liánɡ xìnɡ liú
  • Benign tumor;benign neoplasm
  1. 在交界瘤、良性瘤中无表达。(3)新微分方程可得到挠度和转角公式,而原Q1微分方程是做不到这点的。

    The expression of deflection and angle may be obtained .

  2. 方法分别应用原位分子杂交及免疫组织化学方法检测62例NSCLC和16例肺良性瘤样病变组织中的KDRmRNA、MVD的表达。

    Methods KDR mRNA and MVD expression in 62 cases of NSCLC and 16 cases of benign pulmonary lesions were tested with in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry methods , respectively .

  3. 结果:45例NSCLC组织中LivinmRNA表达阳性率为71.1%,而在癌旁组织和肺良性瘤样病变低表达(5.7%和6.7%,P<0.01)。

    Result : Livin mRNA and protein were expressed in 32 of 45 NSCLC cases ( 71.1 % ) . Livin mRNA expressed low levels in para-cancerous or benign tumors ( 5.7 % and 6.7 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 良性瘤以21-30岁为高峰年龄组。

    Most cases of benign tumor come on between 21 and 30 years old .

  5. 良性瘤413例,恶性瘤139例。

    There are 413 cases of benign tumor and 139 cases of malignant tumor .

  6. 离体乳腺正常组织、良性瘤及癌的自体荧光光谱

    Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectra of Normal , Benign and Malignant Tissues of Breast in Vitro

  7. 肺错构瘤少见,但在肺良性瘤中常见。

    Hamartoma of lung is uncommon .

  8. 下颌骨良性瘤术后植骨失败因素的分析

    An analysis on the factors for failure in grafting bone after the operation for benign mandibular tumors

  9. 结论①口腔实体性非血管瘤性错构瘤为一类少见的良性瘤样病变。

    Conclusion ① Non-angiomatous solid hamartoma is a rare benign tumour-like lesion in oral and maxillofacial region .

  10. 治疗方面唯一的方法是早期开刀切除,如此对良性瘤有很大的效果,但对恶性瘤仍是无济于事。

    The prognosis was good for benign tumors but poor for malignant tumors even after surgical operation .

  11. 结果良性瘤39例,占95.1%,包括粘液瘤、纤维瘤、横纹肌瘤;

    Results 39 ( 95.1 % ) tumors were benign , including myxoma , fibroma , and rhabdomyoma ;

  12. 结果随访期3年,外眼良性瘤疗效100%;

    Results After three years follow up , the curative effectiveness of extra ocular benign tumor was 100 % .

  13. 611例中男女之比为1∶4.4,其中良性瘤为1∶5,恶性瘤为1∶2.9。

    The male : female ratio in 611 cases was 1 : 4.4 ( benign tumor 1:5 , malignant 1:2.9 ) .

  14. 民族作家应该重新思考族群的表达者与表达生命的感觉之间的关系。在交界瘤、良性瘤中无表达。

    Accordingly , The ethnic writers must develop the habit of reconsidering the relationship between the definition of the group characteristics and the expression of feelings of life .

  15. 表皮良性瘤及瘤样病变(662例,68.74%)的发病率比附件为高(301例,31.26%)。

    The incidence of benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of epidermics ( 662 cases , 68.74 % ) was higher than that of appendage ( 301 cases , 31.26 % ) .

  16. 在1775例表皮、附件肿瘤及瘤样病变中,良性瘤及瘤样病变共963例(54.25%),恶性瘤计812例(45.75%)。

    Thousand seven hundred and seventy-five cases with tumors and tumorlike lesions of epidermic and appendage , including 963 ( 54.25 % ) benign tumors and tumor-like lesions and 812 ( 45.75 % ) malignant tumors , were studied .

  17. 结论:血清中存在肿瘤细胞凝集因子,其中正常人及良性瘤患者血清中的可能是糖复合物,而恶性瘤患者血清中的则可能是糖复合物和凝集素。

    Conlusion : These studies demonstrated that there were tumor cell agglutinating factors in human sera , and it is suggested that the factors in normal and benign sera could be glycoconjugates but the onces of malignant sera were probably glycoconjugates and lectin .

  18. 泪腺良性混合瘤的CT表现(32例分析)

    The Benign Mixed Tumor of Lacrimal Gland of CT Finding ( Analysis of 32 Cases )

  19. 结果:50例病人中泪腺良性混合瘤18例,占36%,CT表现为边缘清晰的圆形或卵圆形肿块;

    Results : Of 50 cases , there were 18 cases with benign mixed tumor showing sharp margined round or ovoid masses ;

  20. 结果:P53蛋白在6例恶性肌上皮瘤中呈阳性表达,在良性肌上皮瘤中均呈阴性表达;

    Results : P53 protein expression was positive in six of malignant myoepithelioma and negative in all cases of myoepithelioma .

  21. 还发现溶解性HK活性的比例依正常脑、恶性胶质瘤、良性胶质瘤和脑膜瘤顺次升高。

    And the proportion of soluble HK activity in the normal brains , malignant gliomas , benign gliomas and meningiomas was in ascending order of level .

  22. 恶性性甲状腺癌组织中PKA活性比良性甲状腺瘤组织中PKA活性高2.6倍;

    PKA activities in the malignant thyroid cancer tissues were 2.6 times higher than those in the benign thyroid tumor tissues .

  23. 方法:收集了近20年30例涎腺恶性肌上皮瘤(MME)与20例涎腺良性肌上皮瘤(BME)进行组织病理分析。

    Methods : 30 cases of malignant myoepithelioma and 20 cases benign myoepithelioma ( BME ) were analyzed .

  24. 目的提高对良性滑膜瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断能力。

    Objective To improve the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of benign synovialoma .

  25. 右侧外踝良性滑膜瘤1例

    Benign synovioma in the right lateral malleolus : case report

  26. 来源于唾液腺的6例,均为唾液腺良性混合瘤;

    Cases salivary gland , there were mixed tumor .

  27. 良性滑膜瘤临床病理分析15例

    Clinical pathological analysis of benign synovialoma in 15 cases

  28. 骨血管瘤是一种骨内的良性血管瘤。

    Hemangioma of the bone is a benign vascular tumor within the bone .

  29. 方法分析15例良性滑膜瘤的临床病理学特点。

    Methods The clinical pathological characteristics of benign synovialoma were analysed in 15 cases .

  30. 结果表明良性乳腺瘤与恶性乳腺癌之间有明显差异。

    The results show that there is significant difference between the carcinomas and benign tissues .