
liánɡ jiā fù nǚ
  • women from good families
  1. 妈,对不起,她是个良家妇女。

    Sorry , ma . I mean , she was a fine upstanding young woman .

  2. 我曾经有一个梦想,自己是有钱人家的少爷,整天提着鸟笼走在大街上调戏良家妇女。

    Once a time , I have a dream , I am a signorino , walking on the road with a birdcage on my hand all day , molesting gentlewoman .

  3. 元杂剧作家在塑造女性人物形象时,下意识地把良家妇女分成了未婚少女与已婚妇女两种类型。

    A miscellaneous playwright is while molding female person image , the subconscious ground was divided into the woman of good family the single young girl with married women two category type .