
  • 网络Men of a certain age;At Middle Age;middleaged
  1. 人到中年,他写道,“种子已经播好。”

    At middle age , he wrote , " the sowing is behind . "

  2. 研究人员称,有一种可能是,人到中年后会意识到自己的很多理想已经不可能再实现。

    One possibility may be that people realize they won 't achieve many of their aspirations at middle age , the researchers said .

  3. 人到中年开始新的事业并不难。

    It is not difficult to take up a new career in midlife .

  4. 他的姐妹们都已成人,而他的父母亲也人到中年。

    His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged .

  5. 新研究指出,人到中年多喝粥可以防止发福。

    Eating porridge in later life can help you avoid the dreaded1 middle-aged2 spread , according to a new study .

  6. B不,她不年轻了。她人到中年了!

    B No , she 's not . She 's middle-aged !

  7. 人到中年的hirano穿着朴素,在13位大部分年纪较大的女士中间,似乎有点不协调,不过他的幽默可以巧妙地逗人发笑。

    The middle-aged Mr Hirano makes an incongruous figure , dressed in a sober suit among 13 mostly elderly women , although he makes banter skilfully .

  8. 但人到中年后情况发生了显著变化。

    Things change markedly , though , as people enter middle age .

  9. 她已人到中年,但依然风韵犹存。

    She was middle-aged , but still slim and attractive .

  10. 人们有时可看到有的女人人到中年可仍是风韵犹存。

    One sometimes sees a lady of a certain age still very beautiful .

  11. 但是该公司如今呈现出一些人到中年疲惫了的迹象,引人担忧。

    But the company is now showing some worrying signs of middle-age fatigue .

  12. 人到中年就是思想的宽度和腰围的纤度对调。

    Middle age is when broadness of mind and narrowness of waist change places .

  13. 人到中年往往容易缺乏幸福感。

    Midlife is a period of relative unhappiness .

  14. 但是人到中年,我为这感到高兴。

    But in the middle of my life , I 'm happy with it .

  15. 对于很多人到中年的人来说,这不仅仅是一种感受,

    For many of us in midlife , this isn 't just a feeling ,

  16. 二十年后,人到中年的汤姆森已经完全被粉丝遗忘。

    After two decades , the middle aged Thomson has almost been forgotten by fans .

  17. 并不是人到中年才会惊觉自己出现了记忆的鸿沟。

    You don 't need to be middle-aged to be alarmed by your memory gaps .

  18. 如今我也人到中年,我常常回想起当年遇到的那些中年同事。

    Now middle-aged myself , I often recall the middle-aged colleagues I encountered back then .

  19. 寿命延长可能会令人震惊,特别是对于人到中年的我们来说。

    Longer life can come as a shock , especially to those of us in midlife .

  20. 他已经人到中年了。

    He was in his mid-40s .

  21. 人到中年就这样,啥都仍有精力干-不过能赖就不干。

    Middle age is when we can do just as much as ever-but would rather not .

  22. 人到中年才知身体健康有多重要。

    People don 't know the importance of good health till they are over the hill .

  23. 人到中年,豪情不再,有的只是沮丧,有的只是失落。

    What I have is nothing but frustration and depression , nothing but an overwhelming sense of loss .

  24. 人到中年,她们就会耗尽出生时携带的卵子。

    They are born with a supply of eggs that typically runs out when they reach middle age .

  25. 《人到中年》这部电影值得一看,我会把帝王的显赫看得一钱不值。

    The film A Middle-Aged Doctor is worth seeing . I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous .

  26. 她们仍然相信人到中年才拥有成长、学习的好时机,并有机会让自己可以随心所欲,甚至还能冲破重重阻碍和桎梏去做那些从前不被允许做或者做不到的事情。

    We even have the chance to do things outside of the confines , restraints and shackles of a relationship .

  27. 除非你在人到中年时,每周进行两次马拉松长跑,否则绝不可能轻易逃脱中年发福。

    Unless you take up weekly double marathons in middle-age , it 's impossible simply to " outrun " middle-age spread .

  28. 老年运动员正在重新定义正常的老化是什么,而且重新诠释着人到中年甚至更老时可能做些什么。

    The older athlete is redefining what normal aging is and what 's possible for people who are middle age or older .

  29. 据说,人到中年依旧单身的埃德蒙兹恋上了一位有妇之夫,但对方拒绝了她。

    It was said that Edmunds , who was middle-aged and single , fell in love with a married man , who rejected her .

  30. 人到中年老在想着:再过一、两个星期就会跟以往一样健康。

    Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever .