
rén wù biǎo
  • list of characters
  1. 我们有时能从一张出场人物表去猜测一个剧本,同样,我们也几乎可以从一张匪徒的名单去估计这匪帮。

    A piece can sometimes be divined on the enunciation of the personages ; in the same manner a band can almost be judged from the list of ruffians composing it .

  2. 但如今缺了银行家和美国重要人物,演员表看上去就不太具有震撼力了:新闻记者、学术界人物和威权国家的领导人。

    But without bankers and important Americans , the cast list looks less impressive : a mix of journalists , academics and authoritarian leaders .

  3. 当然,最好的将军将能够诛仙人物图片结果发送到服务器,并在竞争的记诛仙2怎么创建人物录表的首位。

    And , of course , the best generals will be able to send the results to the server and compete for first place in the table of records .