
  • 网络education of outlook on life
  1. 近年来,人生观教育问题是人们关注的一个比较时兴的话题。

    Recent years , the education of outlook on life is becoming a popular topic among people .

  2. 历史教师在中学历史新课程教学中,可以通过丰富的历史人物为切入点进行人生观教育。

    History teachers in middle school history teaching under the new curriculum , through rich historical figures as the entry point to the education of outlook on life .

  3. 运用多样化载体搞好人生观教育

    Using diversified carriers to carry out the education of outlook on life

  4. 加强新时期大学生的人生观教育

    Strengthening College Students ' Instructions of Outlook on Life in the New Period

  5. 大学生人生观教育现状分析与对策思考

    Analysis of the instruction state of the outlook of college students and countermeasures

  6. 论生存与做人:高校人生观教育的核心

    On Survival and Behaving Oneself : the Core of Life Outlook Education in College

  7. 第七章,论述人生观教育创新的总路径和总对策。

    Chapter six presents general routes and strategies on the originality of life education .

  8. 将刚健精神的培养纳入学生人生观教育之中;

    Sign of Spirit brings the education of raising vigorous spiritual into students ' life education ;

  9. 建构可持续发展的人生观教育理念

    Constructing Sustainable Philosophy Education Concept

  10. 应通过国情教育、人生观教育,引导大学生树立科学的人生观、消费观,进行合理消费。

    The scientific education of outlook on life should be the basis of quality education for the middle school students ;

  11. 我给你推荐一篇大学生人生观教育的文章,消耗一点时间,也许能得到一点安慰。

    I 'll give you a recommendation of university life education articles , consume more time , maybe get a little comfort .

  12. 另一方面,也进一步加强了人生观教育与当前可持续社会发展方向的紧密结合。

    And on the other hand , it has further enhanced the combination of philosophy education with the present sustainable social development direction .

  13. 要加强各级学校的政治教育、形势教育、思想教育,包括人生观教育、道德教育。

    Education in politics , current affairs and ideology , including moral values and world outlook , should be strengthened in schools at all levels .

  14. 其中道德观教育是基础,政治观、法制观教育为主导,世界观、人生观教育是根本。

    Education is the basis of which moral values , political views , legal concept of education as the leading , world , life is fundamental .

  15. 信仰教育极易被理解为世界观教育、人生观教育以及理想教育的翻版。

    Faith Education is very readily understood as such interpretations as educations on viewpoint towards the world , on outlook on life , and on ideals .

  16. 其实,对于人生观教育来说,家庭是人们接受教育的起点,家庭教育的影响也是全方位的。

    In fact , for the outlook on life , the family is the starting point for people to receive education . And the impact of family education is also comprehensive .

  17. 其次,90后大学生的人生观教育在微观上应该重视教学中的价值理性教育与价值情感教育。

    Secondly , the education of outlook on life for " post-90s " college students at the micro level should pay more attention to two aspects of value rational education and value emotional education .

  18. 第四部分则是从高校的引导方面、社会大环境以及学生本身三个方面提出了大学生人生观教育的对策。

    The fourth part is to offer some proposals on how to improve college students ' outlook on life in three ways : the guidance of college and university , social environment and the students themselves .

  19. 教师在人生观教育中应当从批评者和主导者转变为引导者,和学生建立主体-主体的新型关系,完成从主客间性向主体间性的转变。

    Teachers in the education of outlook on life should change from the critics and the leader to guider . They should build a new relationship of the " subject-subject " instead of " subject-object " with students .

  20. 教育工作者可通过加强大学生人生观教育,创新高校团组织建设,广泛开展社团活动等途径预防大学生网络成瘾现象的发生。

    Educators may prevent the occurrence by many methods , such as strengthening philosophical education toward college students , innovating the construction of committee of youth league in college , developing league 's activities , and so on .

  21. 21世纪日本学校思想政治教育的主要内容包括爱国主义教育、人生观教育、劳动教育、个性教育以及国际化教育。对这一领域的研究可以引发对我国当代学校思想政治教育的思考。

    The main content of ideological and political education of Japanese schools in the 21st century includes patriotism education , philosophy education , labor education , personality education and internationalization education , which can provide some reference for our school ideological and political education .

  22. 在当前国际关系日趋复杂,国内改革开放不断深入发展的形势下,对人生观教育问题进行再思考,从而加强对人们进行科学人生观教育,是当前社会主义精神文明建设的一个迫切任务。

    Now under the circumstances of complexity in international relation and continual development in domestic reform and opening , it has been becoming an urgent task in socialist ideological and ethical progress that the education of outlook on life should be reconsidered and reinforced .

  23. 然而,遗憾的是,在理论研究中,大多数专家学者总是将情感态度价值观这一目标混为一起,泛泛而谈;在实践教学中教师对于人生观教育既不理解也不重视。

    However , unfortunately : in the theoretical study of most scholars always will " the emotion attitude and value " this one target mixed together , speak generally ; In the practice teaching of teachers to the education of outlook on life is neither understood nor attention .

  24. 对策主要包括:坚持以人为本原则,使人生观教育更具人性化;坚持因材施教原则,使人生观教育更具说服力;加强学校、家庭和社会教育的配合,使人生观教育更具系统性。

    The strategies include : adhere to people oriented principle , which make the education more humanness ; adhere to teaching students according to their aptitude , making the education more persuasive ; strengthen the cooperation of school , family and social education , which makes the education more systematical .

  25. 加强当代大学生人生价值观教育的思考

    Ponder on Enhancing the Education of Contemporary University Students Outlook on Life

  26. 用正确的人生价值观教育青年

    Education of the Young with Correct Values on Life

  27. 加强大学生的人生价值观教育,应从这两方面着手来进行。

    Strengthen the life value educate of the university student must begin from the two kinds .

  28. 浅谈正确面对惩罚教育用正确的人生价值观教育青年

    Taking a Positive Attitude Towards Punishment Education Education of the Young with Correct Values on Life

  29. 高校对大学生人生价值观教育中面临的问题要给予高度的重视,积极探讨加强当代大学生人生价值观教育的对策。

    We should pay attention to problems in the education of ideology and values to college students and positively look for counter-measures .

  30. 加强大学生人生价值观教育,必须突出未来价值取向,重视理想教育的系统性,创新人生价值观教育体系。

    Strengthen the university student the life value educate , must the outstanding future be worth the mindset , valuing the ideal and educational system , the creative life value education system .