
  1. 然后分解说明以产品为中心的包装的组成结构以及形式。

    Then it demonstrates the composition and structure of production centre packaging design .

  2. 密封环(16)可能损坏。参阅下列拆卸分解说明进行更换。

    Sealing ring ( 16 ) may be damaged . See dismantling instructions below to replace .

  3. 在第三章中,本文分别从定性和定量两个角度对新疆区域金融资源配置与经济差距的相关性进行分析,并对分析结果给予详细的分解说明。

    Chapter III uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the relationship between regional financial resources and the economic gap in Xinjiang .

  4. 第四章,以实际调查资料为基础,在前面理论分析的指导下,在所构建的评价指标体系基础上,对江苏省10家龙头企业进行实证分析,并对每一个指标进行分解说明。

    Chapter 4 is based in practical investigation data and the analysis of theory . This part will put the evaluated index system into practical analysis .

  5. 在过量的油酸存在下,纳米复合体能迅速的被分解,说明Fe(3)O(4)纳米颗粒是通过联结分子中的羧基与纳米线结合的。

    In the presence of excess oleic acid , the nanocomposites undergo rapid disassembly , suggesting that Fe ( 3 ) O ( 4 ) nanoparticles are bonded to nanowires via carboxylate groups from the linkers .

  6. 利用速度场的分解,说明大气中常见的斑图。

    The3-D velocity fields of atmosphere can be decomposed into the deformation and rotation fields .

  7. TG和DTG测试结果表明了超支化聚酯基二茂铁在200℃才开始分解,这说明其具有良好的热稳定性。

    The results of TG and DSC showed that the hyper-branched polyester-based ferrocene began to decompose at 200 ℃, which indicated that it has good thermal stability .

  8. 本文还对EMD筛选停止准则门限做了研究,大量实验中,改变门限值,得到不同的分解结果,说明停止准则也是影响分解效果的一个重要因素。

    In a lot of experiments , by changing the threshold , the different decomposition results are showed . It explains stopping standard is an important factor to influence the decomposition effect .

  9. 一个仿真例子说明了两种方法引出相同的结果,但构造ARMA新息模型时必须进行左素分解,且说明了三种加权融合滤波器的精度无显著差异。

    A simulation example shows that two methods yield the same result , but a left-coprime factorization must be performed to construct the ARMA innovation model , and the accuracy difference of three fusion filters is not obvious .

  10. 针对湍流反应流分析高质量数值解所应具有的特征和准则,对比大涡模拟与N-S方程雷诺平均的能谱空间分解图,说明了大涡模拟的特点。

    The criterion and feature of high-quality numerical solution is analyzed for turbulent reactive flow in this work . The differences of decomposition of the energy spectrum of the solution between LES and Reynolds averaged numerical simulation are given in order to understand LES .

  11. 但是,当饮酒量的持续增加以后,原有的簇逐渐发生分解,这说明人脑各个部位的平衡性、稳定性逐渐下降,人脑受抑制的程度、脑疲劳程度增加。

    But with the volume increasing , the quondam cluster is gradually disassembled . It can be demonstrated that the cerebral equilibrium and stability is degressive and the degree of brain inhibition and brain fatigue is extended at the same time .

  12. 效应分解的结果说明了纵向和横向社会资本对技术创新绩效只具有间接效应,信息、知识和资金的获取对技术创新绩效具有直接效应,从而进一步验证了三种资源获取的中介作用。

    The result of effect decomposition illuminates the indirect effect of vertical and horizontal social capital on technology innovation performance and the direct effect of information , knowledge and capital acquisition on technology innovation performance , which further proves the intermediate action of three resource acquisitions .

  13. 作为附录,给出了法方程矩阵的三角分解,以补充说明设计矩阵的Givens变换结果。

    The triangular decomposition of normal equation matrix is appended supplementarily explaining the outcome of Givens transformation of a design matrix .

  14. 进一步,为了推导新的恒等式,我们引入了theta分解的概念,说明了给定邻接关系的theta函数解空间可以转化为域K(q)上的有限维向量空间。

    Furthermore , we introduce the notion of theta decompositions to derive new theta function identities . We explain how to transform the set of the theta function solutions of a given contiguous relation into a finite dimensional vector space over the field K ( q ) .

  15. LPG燃烧过程中形成的CH3、CH2等烃类自由基和卡宾与CFC-12分子及其碎片之间有很强的反应活性,有效地增加了CFC-12的低能垒分解通道,这说明了选择LPG作为燃料的优越性。

    Hydrocarbon like CH3 , CH2 and carbene exerted strong reactivity with the CFC-12 and its fraction , and effectively increased the decomposition pathways of low energy barrier . This confirmed the priority to select LPG as combustion fuel of CFC-12 .

  16. 用硝酸甲酯分解爆炸实例,说明如何利用安全指数对具有热爆炸可能性的系统的潜在危险性进行定量评价,其预测结果与实验结果一致。

    Finally , paper takes the decomposing explosion of methyl nitrate as an example to illustrate how to use this approach to quantitatively evaluate the potential dangers in such exothermic reaction system with possibility of thermal explosion .

  17. 针对现有文献给出的典范分解形式不尽相同,本文整理推导出4种分解方法,这些方法能给出统一的典范分解式,举例说明它们具体实施分解的步骤,并对若干问题作出简短的评注。

    In this paper proposes four decomposition methods which leads the state space up to an unit and easy-calculated canonical form , and also give an example to show how to use the methods and some comments on some problems related to .