
  1. 借助GIS技术,城市规划师在对影响城市空间结构增长的主要因素进行图层管理和空间分析基础上,采用人机对话的方式形成较合理的城市空间结构增长方案;

    After analyzing the urban developing conditions by GIS , we can form reasonable urban spatial structure growth schemes .

  2. 电路分析基础CAI系统

    Circuit analysis basic CAI system

  3. 目前X射线成像系统均是以线性时不变理论作为分析基础的。基于X射线平板探测器成像系统、成像机理和几何参数建立了成像系统的点扩展函数(PSF)。

    Based on the photo_electricity conversion process and imaging mechanism and geometry parameter of X_ray flat_panel detector imaging system , the point spread function model of imaging system was obtained .

  4. 建立医用硬性内窥镜畸变的评定基础和方法,用视轴对称的球面Z视场为模型来模拟体腔凹面特征,以建立内窥镜物像共轭的分析基础;

    To set up the evaluation base and method of medical rigid endoscope distortion , by using optical axis symmetrical spherical Z view field as the model to simulate concave characteristics of body cavity , the analysis base of endoscope object-image conjugation is established .

  5. 电路分析基础课程建设和改革的探索

    A Research on the Construction and Reform of Circuit Analysis Fundamental

  6. 小波时频能量谱是在小波变换时频分析基础上,计算小波频谱能量。

    The time-frequency spectrum calculated by wavelet transform is called time-frequency spectrum of wavelet transform ( TFSWT ) .

  7. 第三个问题是在比较分析基础上着力探讨了信赖利益保护的法理根据。

    The third aspects discusses the legal theory of reliance interest protection on the basis of comparative analysis .

  8. 以采油厂主要的生产要素展开设计,在对多个业务部门和业务过程需求分析基础上,在企业模型中形成了六个职能领域。

    Based on the research of the business activities in different business department , six function fields are carved up .

  9. 第二章是建立在对欧美音乐剧以及中国传统戏曲这两个范本的运作管理模式分析基础之上的研究。

    The second chapter bases its discussion on the comparison of two respective managing models of Euramerican Musical and Chinese traditional drama .

  10. 通过对全市水资源调查分析基础上,计算了不同时期全市水资源的供需状况。

    The article illustrates the water supply and demand conditions in different period of time on the base of water resources analysis in Cixi city .

  11. 在进行大连市发展观光农业的可行性分析基础上,提出了具体开发原则、发展对策与发展思路。

    Based on analysis of feasibility . This paper advises the concrete principle of exploitation , countermeasure and direction of development on agritourism in Dalian .

  12. 建立在博物馆功能分析基础上的目标、资源和方法的规划,是一座博物馆管理是否成功的第一要件。

    Based on the examination of museum functions , planning of goals , methods and resources is considered one of the most important factors for a well-managed museum .

  13. 第三,在对影响充分就业的制约因素的分析基础上,提出了自己的几点实现我国农民充分就业的对策与措施。

    Third , in to affects the full employment in the restriction factor analysis foundation , proposed own several realizes our country farmer full employment countermeasure and the measure < >

  14. 在进行A证券公司多渠道信息平台建设需求分析基础上,主要阐述了多渠道信息平台中多渠道发布子系统的设计。

    Basing on the analysis of the demand about multi - channel infor-mation platform of the A security company , the design of multi - channel issuance subsystem was elaborated in detail .

  15. 方法:分析基础护理、护理操作、医护职责、护理记录等具体护理行为中可能触及到的法律问题及法律责任,制定相应防范措施,保护患者应享受的合法权利。

    Methods : Analyze the legal responsibility in the eye of the patients rights , the possible legal question involved in nursing behavior including the basic nursing , psychological nursing , nursing actions and nursing documents .

  16. 笔者试图从会计环境对会计目标的影响分析基础上,结合我国具体的社会经济环境,构建我国的会计目标体系。

    The author , however , intends to construct Chinese accountancy 's target system based on the analysis of the influence of accountancy 's target in terms of accountancy environment and in light of the specific Chinese social economic environment .

  17. 鉴于此,本文介绍一种基于线弹性分析基础上的简单的求解复杂结构极限载荷下限、上限的方法&弹性补偿法,同时结合三维有限元分析,求解内压下三通结构的极限载荷。

    Based on elastic analysis , a simple technique called the elastic compensation method for calculating limit load for complex structures is presented . The method is combined with three-dimensional finite-element analysis to obtain limit load for piping branch junctions comparatively .

  18. 研究核心竞争力的构建和动态管理,在现有文献的分析基础上提出可操作的有关核心竞争力的应用体系理论,对我国企业的经营实践有着很强的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great practical importance to the management and practice of our enterprises to study the construction of core competence and the theory of dynamic management and propose feasible theories on application based on the analyses of current documents .

  19. 相反,马克思经济学正是以劳动价值论为基础,在将价值理论与货币理论相结合中展示出一个以现实资本主义经济或市场经济关系为分析基础的内生货币理论。

    By contrast , based on the labor theory of value Marxian economics has generated the theory of endogenous money that took the relations of capitalist economy or market economy as the foundation of analysis by integrating the theories of value and money .

  20. 在反思传统学科课程和分析基础教育课程改革的国际趋势和行动的基础上,提出了学科课程的转型是当前基础教育课程改革实践的主要矛盾的认识与判断。

    On the basis of reflecting the traditional curricula and analyzing the international trend and action of curricula reform in basic education , the paper puts forward a view that the curricula transformation is the basic contradiction of the current curricula reform practice .

  21. 在影响因素分析基础上,以办公建筑为例,分别对建筑服务水平和使用程度相关因素与对应的建筑能耗的关系进行了分析,从中提炼出影响能耗的关键因素,作为量化参数。

    On this basis , taking office building for example , the relationship of related factors of building service level and usage allocation and building energy consumption are analyses , from which to extract the key factors affecting energy consumption as a quantitative parameter .

  22. 在对5万名成年人长达7年的饮食分析的基础上,研究发现体重指数(BMI)与进食时间和进食频率相关。

    The research , based on a seven-year dietary analysis of 50000 adults , found that body weight , measured by body mass index , corresponds with when we eat and how often we eat .

  23. 文章在对B/S体系结构分析的基础上,基于Web服务、ASP。

    Analysing the B / S architecture , This paper brings forward an approved architecture base on Web services and ASP .

  24. 采用了基于H∞控制系统的优化设计思想,在对轴向磁轴承H∞控制进行分析的基础上将H∞控制应用于磁轴承的控制器设计中。

    It adopted the optimization design idea based on H ∞ control . And the H ∞ control in the control design of magnetic bearing was applied .

  25. 在SWOT分析的基础上,提出发展成都物流产业的重点目标,并针对目前成都物流产业存在的问题,提出相应的发展措施;

    Based on the SWOT analysis , and the theory of comparability , it broaches practical measures for the development of ChengDu 's logistics industry .

  26. 研究结果对于合理选择和控制TI蜗杆副的安装误差以及选择轮齿修形参数具有重要意义。论文最后在对安装误差分析的基础上对蜗杆的修形分析进行了探讨。

    Research results will be momentous significance for the proper selection and control of assembling errors of TI worm pair , as well as the selection of gear-tooth modification parameters .

  27. 以这些分析为基础,进一步分析了机群(COW)环境下实现大规模并行有限元计算的可行性。

    The feasibility to realize large-scale parallel finite element in the circumstance of cluster-of-workstations ( COW ) is discussed in details on the evaluating index and capability .

  28. 文章在对项目风险产生的根源分析的基础上,提出基于6W的项目风险来源框架;

    The article puts forward the project risk source frame based on 6W .

  29. 在对码资源分析的基础上,对比了WCDMA和TD-SCDMA规划特点的区别,得出了WCDMA和TD-SCDMA系统扰码规划应该遵循的不同原则。

    Basing on comparing charac-teristic of wireless network between TD-SCDMA and WCDMA , the paper concludes the different rules of scrambling code plan in TD-SCDMA and WCDMA system .

  30. 并在对其中关键技术和器件的选择进行分析的基础上,重点分析了如何实现传统模拟变送器向HART协议智能变送器的改造。

    On the basis of analysis on the selection of critical technology and device , the retrofit of traditional analog transmitter into HART transmitter is analyzed emphatically .