
  • 网络separation column;separate column;separator column
  1. 本文在共价氢化物发生-光度分析体系中设置固体氧化剂氢化物气体分离柱,以AsH3、SbH3和SnH4为研究对象探讨了氢化物之间的干扰消除及高选择性测定问题。

    With the solid oxidizer covalent hydrides separation column , the elimination of interference among different hydrides and their highly selective determination were discussed by the system of hydride generation-spectrophotometry with AsH_3 , SbH_3 and SnH_4 as the examples .

  2. 连续CACE过程借助流场和逆向电场的共同作用,使目标蛋白质在分离柱富集区内连续富集。

    Continuous counteracting chromatographic electrophoresis ( CACE ) concentrates target-protein continuously to accumulation zone between exclusive and inclusive zones with a separation column by using opposing electrical and flow fields .

  3. 实验以反相色谱柱为分离柱,采用紫外检测方法,考察了检测波长、离子液体烷基链长度、离子液体溶液的浓度以及pH值等对分离和测定的影响。

    The effects of the detection wavelength , pH value , length of alkyl chain on different ionic liquids , and the concentrations on the separation and determination of these analytes were performed .

  4. 试验采用大口径HP-快速GC残留溶剂柱为分离柱,对顶空平衡温度、平衡时间对残留有机溶剂乙酸乙酯测定的影响进行了分析研究。

    A wide bore HP-fast GC residual solvent column was performed , and the effects of the equilibrium temperature and equilibrium time on the determination of ethyl acetate were studied .

  5. 六通阀和DIV的同步协调运行使得建立一个简单的样品流路和连续流体经过分离柱的系统成为可能。

    Synchronized movements of the six-way valve and DIV made it possible to establish a simple flow path of the sample and a continuous liquid flow through the column .

  6. 以HP-5MS(30m×0.25mmi.d.,0.25μm)石英毛细管柱为分离柱,噻嗪酮的分离效果良好。

    A good separation was obtained using HP - 5MS ( 30 m × 0 . 25 mm i. d. , 0 . 25 μ m ) capillary quartz column .

  7. 用OV-101毛细管色谱柱为分离柱,FID(火焰离子检测器)检测。5种农药在12min内得到很好分离。

    The 5 carbamates could be well separated within 12 min in an OV-101 capillary column under selected chromatographic conditions and detected with flame ionic detector .

  8. 本文以含Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)的溶液为淋洗液,以Fe(Ⅲ)&磺基水杨酸为柱后衍生体系,在国产分离柱上分离了磷酸与植酸。

    In this paper , phosphate and phytate are separated on a YSA-g separator column ( made in China ) by adding Ca ~ ( 2 + ), Mg ~ ( 2 + ) to the eluent and using Fe (ⅲ) - Ssal as . post-column derivatization system .

  9. 采用旋涡混合器以水为溶剂制备供试品溶液,以大口径HP-快速GC残留溶剂柱为分离柱,FID为检测器,用外标法进行定量。

    Water as solvent , sample solution was prepared by using vortex mixer . The determination was performed on a wide bore HP-fast GC residual solvent column with FID detector . The external standard method was used for quantitative analysis .

  10. 以HP-1大口径毛细管柱和HP-1毛细管柱为分离柱,选择出合适的色谱条件,嗪草酮的分离效果良好。

    HP-1 large internal diameter capillary column and HP-1 capillary column were used . Under optimized GC conditions , a good separation was obtained .

  11. 本文采用HP1701大口径毛细管柱为分离柱,测定了柑桔中7种有机磷农药残留量;

    Organophosphorus pesticide residues in orange was determined by HP1701 wide tubular capillary column coupled with FPD detector .

  12. 采用196nm波长紫外分光光度检测器,C18烷基键合相分离柱,水为流动相,反相高效液相色谱法同时测定了季戊四醇生产母液中的季戊四醇和甲酸钠含量。

    A method for simultaneous determination of pentaerythritol and sodium formate by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography with C 18 column , water as mobile phase and 196 nm ultraviolet photometric detector was studied .

  13. 介绍了用高效液相色谱法快速测定新型防蛀剂2,5-二氯苯胺的方法,分离柱为HypersilC18柱,淋洗液为乙腈-水-醋酸(70∶28∶2)。

    Rapid determination method of the novel moth repellant 2,5-dichloroaniline with high performance liquid chromatography was introduced with hypersil C18 as seperator column and acetonitrile-water-acetic acid ( 70282 ) as washing liquid .

  14. 其中,从柱坐标系下的Navier-Stokes方程和连续性方程出发,建立导叶式旋风管分离柱内旋风流场涡旋流动的精确解,采用无粘性流体假设,对于流场内部进行较为全面的求解。

    Starting from Navier-Stokes equations and continuity equation in cylindrical coordinates , the exact solution of flow in the separation space of swirl tube is presented assumed on the condition of inviscid . And the CFD methods is used to investigate the gas flow characteristics .

  15. 采用电石转化氢焰色谱法,用TDX-01固定相为分离柱,分析氨合成塔触媒升温还原中水汽浓度。

    Using TDX-01 fixed phase as separator column , the water vapor concentration of catalyst in synthetic converter was determined by hydrogenation gas chromatography .

  16. 以HP-608毛细管柱为分离柱,火焰光度检测器检测,外标法计算。

    A quickly method for determination of seven organophosphorus pesticides residue in vegetables was studied by HP-608 capillary column and FPD detector .

  17. 样品经萃取后,以甲醇-水(体积比50∶50)作为流动相,以C18作为分离柱,以电喷雾离子源作为接口,在负离子检测模式下进行一、二级质谱分析。

    After extracted , samples were analyzed under MS and MS / MS negative ion detection modes , with the mobile phase of methanol / water ( 50 ∶ 50 , v ∶ v ), a column of C_ ( 18 ) and electrospray ionization interface .

  18. 选择2,4-二硝基苯肼(DNPH)为羰基化合物的衍生化试剂,建立了快速分离柱高效液相色谱测定卷烟主流烟气中8种羰基化合物的方法。

    The determination of major carbonyl compounds in mainstream cigarette smoke by rapid column high performance liquid chromatography was investigated . The cigarette smoke was collected using a Cambridge filter treated with acidic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine .

  19. 以大孔径玻璃微粒为载体,将生物酶化学键合于玻璃体,制备成Φ5×50mm短柱串联于色谱分离柱后,配合电化学检测器,构建了高效液相色谱固相酶检测平台。

    To immobilize enzyme to micro beads of large pore glasses by chemical bonding reaction and prepared short (Φ 5 × 50mm ) immobilized enzyme column . To develope detecting system by connecting the immobilized enzyme column in the chromatographic separating column behind and with electrochemical detector .

  20. 该法采用己二酸新戊二醇聚酯固定相作分离柱(2000mm),氢焰检测,外标法定量,氯代正丁烷纯度采用100减去杂质总量求得。

    In this method , a separating column (φ 4 × 2 000 mm ) packed with neopentyl glycol adipate ( NPGA ) , FID and external-standard quantitative evalution were used . The purity of n butyl chloride could be obtained by 100 minus the overall quantity of the impurities .

  21. 阴离子分离柱的研制及其在食品中的应用

    Preparation of Anion Separation Column and Application on Food Analysis

  22. 巧克力中香兰素的快速分离柱高效液相色谱法测定

    Determination of Vanillin in Chocolate by Rapid Column High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  23. 新型阳离子分离柱应用于铬、铝鞣液分析

    Analysis of Chromium and Aluminum Tanning Solution on a Novel Cation Separation Column

  24. 多孔磺化树脂分离柱及其高效离子排斥色谱性能

    Ion exclusion chromatographic performance of the sulfonated porous resin

  25. 失效阴离子分离柱性能恢复试验

    The capability recovering experiment for failure anion seperation column

  26. -502等色谱分离柱,对文题进行了研究,得到了准确的定量分析结果。

    - 502 packed columns were used . The quantitative results were obtained accurately .

  27. 快速分离柱高效液相色谱法测定肉中盐酸克伦特罗

    Study on Determination of the Clenbuterol Hydrochloride in Meat By Rapid Column High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  28. 水中重金属的快速分离柱高效液相色谱测定法

    Determination of Heavy Metal in Water With Solid Phase Extraction Followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  29. 用快速分离柱高效液相色谱法测定生物发酵产物中的乳酸

    Study on the determination of the lactic acid in fermentation production by HPLC with rapid separation column

  30. 本文采用国产阴离子分离柱和自装离子色谱系统研究了植酸的离子色谱柱后衍生法分离与测定,并应用到大豆中植酸的测定。

    The separation and determination of phytic acid with ion-chromatography with domestic anion-exchange column by post-column derivatization was studied .