
fēn xīn
  • divert one's attention;claim attention;distract
分心 [fēn xīn]
  • [divert one's attention;distract] 不专注;分散精力

  • 家庭负担使他分心

分心[fēn xīn]
  1. 我本来应该在写信,但后来恐怕是分心干别的去了。

    I was supposed to be writing a letter but I 'm afraid I got sidetracked .

  2. 他最终总算没有因施奈德的问题而分心。

    He 'd managed to avoid being sidetracked by Schneider 's problems

  3. 她难以捉摸,脾气暴躁,冲动鲁莽,容易分心。

    She was unpredictable , explosive , impulsive and easily distracted

  4. 我工作的时候要是有人看着就会分心。

    It 's distracting to have someone watching me while I work .

  5. 这个鬼地方根本没有什么东西可以让他分心。

    There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him .

  6. 他们总试图让你从你的任务中分心。

    They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task .

  7. 她要求我严肃一点——说如果我笑的话会使她分心。

    She asked me to be serious — said it put her off if I laughed

  8. 他是我最有才华的学生之一,只是太容易被一些无聊的事分心。

    He was one of my most able pupils , but far too easily distracted by frivolities .

  9. 这件事您多分心了。

    This would claim a good deal of your attention .

  10. 工作时要集中精力,不要分心。

    When working , one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted .

  11. 他工作时,什么也不能使他分心。

    Nothing can abstract his mind while he works .

  12. 孩子多了分心。

    Parents cannot concentrate on their work if they have too many children .

  13. 例如,我们可以改变接收通知的频率这些通知令我们分心,促使我们要想要查看信息。

    For example , we can change how often we receive the distracting notifications that trigger our urge to check .

  14. 作为经常旅行的人和一个两岁孩子的父母,我们有时会幻想当我们坐上飞机后,在没有手机、朋友或者电影让我们分心的情况下,能够完成很多工作。

    As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old , we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane , undistracted by phones , friends , or movies .

  15. 当你为考试而学习时,学习会变得无聊,你也会分心。

    When you are studying for a test , it can get boring and then you can get distracted .

  16. 从遇见你的那一刻起,你就让我分心。

    I 've been distracted2 since the moment I met you .

  17. 警方说驾驶员不遵守交通规则而且很容易分心。

    Police say drivers are undisciplined and easily distracted .

  18. 它们会使你学习效率低下,也会更懒惰,检查一下有哪些东西会让你分心。

    They make you less productive and lazy . Keep a check on your distractions .

  19. 公马在飞机前部飞行,这样它们就不会被母马分心。

    Stallions travel at the front of the plane so that they 're not distracted by the mares .

  20. “分心上瘾者”是指容易分心且经常分心而忘了手边工作的人。

    Distraction1 addict2 refers to a person whose attention is easily and constantly drawn3 away from the task at hand .

  21. 我们脑子里充满着让我们分心和忙碌的事情,使得我们不需要询问自己,我还好么?

    We fill our head with distraction37 , with busyness , so that we don 't have to ask , am I well ?

  22. 德蒙福特大学最近的研究发现,频繁查看手机会让你更容易分心和健忘,更不用说这个习惯会对你的心理健康造成负面影响。

    Research by De Montfort University recently found that checking your phone regularly can make you more distracted and forgetful , and that ’ s not to mention the negative impact this habit can have on your mental health .

  23. 但如果是让自己从需要深刻思考的努力工作中分心,休息一下,看看窗外,要知道,什么都不做时,其实是最有生产力及创意的时候。

    But if it ’ s to distract yourself from doing the hard work that comes with deeper thinking , take a break , stare out the window and know that by doing nothing , you are actually being your most productive and creative self .

  24. 在世界各地,被《精灵宝可梦Go》分心的玩家们已经出了不少小事故,包括轻微车祸和跌倒。

    Distracted Pok é mon Go players around the world have been involved in numerous mishaps , including less serious car crashes and falls .

  25. 很棒的v动画和声音能够提高兴趣,但是不要用的太多使观众分心。

    Animations and sounds , used well , can heighten interest , but don 't distract the audience with too much of a good thing .

  26. sun补充道,更为重要的因素是,中国官员因被奥运会分心,一直无法将工作重心放在制定支持股市的政策上。

    A more important factor is that Chinese officials have been distracted by the games , and so been unable to focus on pro-market policy-making , Mr Sun adds .

  27. 绘画白色物体的优点是:A。没有颜色问题要分心,B。很容易观察出光在白色物体上的表现。

    The point of drawing white objects is that A.there is no color to confuse the issue , and B.it 's really easy to see what the light does on the surface of a white object .

  28. 同时,诉讼指控Uber的应用程序违反了加州要求减少司机分心的法律。

    The lawsuit also alleges that Uber App violates the California law that seeking to reduce distracted drivers .

  29. 注意力缺陷综合症(ADD)专家爱德华•哈洛韦尔(EdwardHallowell,我前段时间为他的著作《工作中分心不是我的错》(DriventoDistractionatWork)撰写了书评)认为,这是一个天才的想法。

    Edward Hallowell , an ADD expert ( whose book Driven to Distraction at Work I reviewed last week ) , sees it as a stroke of genius .

  30. 他和卡拉•布鲁尼(CarlaBruni)离婚以及与麦当娜(Madonna)的婚姻,只是暂时令其分心。

    His divorce from Carla Bruni and marriage to Madonna had only briefly distracted him .