
fēn piào
  • lotting
分票[fēn piào]
  1. 有明天下午三点零八分的票。

    There are tickets for3:08pm tomorrow afternoon .

  2. 最后,对城市轨道交通票制进行了探讨,提出了合理的票制方案建议,研究了分区段计程票制的确定方法,对实行分时段票制进行了可行性分析。

    Finally , it studies urban rail transit ticket carfare frame , makes reasonable programme recommendations , researches scale ticket price confirming method , analyses time sharing fare system feasibility .

  3. 推翻否决需要在参众两院都获得三分之二多数票。

    Overrides require two thirds majority in the house and senate .

  4. 目前还不清楚,穆沙拉夫在议会中的反对派是否拥有弹劾他所需的三分之二多数票。

    It is unclear if his opponents in parliament have the two-thirds majority needed for impeachment .

  5. 而获得超过多数的三分之二票才会被宣读成为胜者,目前的情况下是77票。

    More than a two thirds majority is needed to declare a winner , in this case , 77 votes .

  6. 以三分之二多数票通过决议,得弹劾理事会任何成员以及理事会所属各部门的主管首长。

    By two-thirds majority , the board can impeach any executors and the chiefs of any departments under the board of executors .

  7. 届时,国会要想推翻总统的否决,就必须凑足三分之二多数票。这意味着,只要有三分之一的议员不同意推翻总统的否决,上调债务上限的要求就可得到批准。

    At that point , only a two-thirds majority of Congress could overturn the presidential veto , meaning the debt ceiling increase could be approved with only one-third of lawmakers .

  8. 通过需要有所投票数的四分之三票,但第十三条和本款的修正案需要有所投票数的五分之四票。

    Adoption shall require three fourths of the votes cast , provided that any amendment to Article 13 , and to the present paragraph , shall require four fifths of the votes cast .

  9. 请给我两张直北京的9点分的一等票。

    Two first class on the9 : nonstop train to beijing , please .

  10. 广州新电视塔按观光高度分3段收票,分别为50元、100元和150元。

    Admission prices are50,100 or150 yuan depending on how high you want to go .

  11. 经理走进办公室,得知有五分之四的票被预定了,他非常高兴。

    The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four fifths of the tickets had been booked .

  12. 请给我一张9点5分开往北京的票。一开始有点儿问题,不过很快就安宁了。

    One ticket for the 9 : 05 train to Beijing . There was a little trouble at first but things were soon quiet .