
  1. 当三十年期美国国债收益减少,低于2005-06年两年期国债收益时,一些评论员说,这是个经济萧条将至的信号。

    When the yield on30-year Treasury bonds fell below that of two-year notes in2005-06 , a few commentators said it was a sign of an impending recession .

  2. 当三十年四月初五日,以西结在迦巴鲁河边被掳的人中,天就开了,得见神的异象。

    Now it came about in the thirtieth year , in the fourth month , on the fifth day of the month , while I was by the river Chebar among those who had been made prisoners , that the heavens were made open and I saw visions of god .

  3. 当我三十岁的时候:也许我们该问问爸爸他是怎么想的。

    Thirty years old : Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks .

  4. 毕竟她在圣玛利医院当了三十年的清洁工总管。

    She was the head janitor at St. Mary 's Hospital for thirty years , after all .

  5. 兰伯特表示这不是一种尺度,而是关于你如何感觉,而且在11月10日,当我三十岁的时候,紧身的牛仔裤终于变得宽松。

    Lambert says it 's not about a scale , it 's about how you feel and on November 10th , when I turned thirty , my skinny jeans were finally baggy .

  6. 孩子们,当你们快三十岁的时候,你们会惊奇地发现,原来你们还是没有真正地理解生活。

    Kids , when you reach your late20s you might be surprised to discover you still don 't have life quite figured out .

  7. 当二十世纪三十年代大萧条袭来时,各个国家为了保护自身利益而不惜损害他人利益,其结果最终对自己造成了伤害。

    When the Great Depression hit in the1930s each country responded to protect its national interests – to the detriment of others and , in the end , harming themselves .

  8. 然后,当我还剩下三十分钟可以脱身的时候,屏幕上的数字变了。

    And then , when I had only thirty minutes to make my escape , the numbers changed .

  9. 当我们蓦然回首三十年巨大成就的时刻,发现腐败现象依然猖獗,反腐败形势依然严峻。

    When we turn around suddenly the moment of the great achievements of three decades , found that corruption is still rampant , anti-corruption situation is still grim .