
  1. 我哥哥常说你总想以一当五。

    My brother always said you wanted to be a one-man team .

  2. 杰夫:我哥哥常说你总想以一当五。

    JEFF : My brother always said you wanted to be a one-man team .

  3. 同时他把“慈善家”留给他的那枚当五法郎的钱扔在女人的围裙兜里。

    And he flung into his wife 's apron the five-franc piece which the " philanthropist " had left with him .

  4. 蝎子王非常精明,他知道当五面怪来到塞伯特恩的时候,他的军队,虽然没有实际上的战斗,是无法打败五面怪和他们的马达洛同盟。

    Scorponok was shrewd enough to know when the Quintessons came that his army , unused to actual conflict , could not defeat them and their Mandalorian allies ;

  5. 只有当五个维度方向基本一致时,民营化作为实现政府治理的基本策略才能得到很好的应用。

    Only when those dimensions are basically at the same direction , does privatization that is a tactic to accomplish effective governance of the government apply to practising realm successfully .

  6. 在很长一段时间里,人们一直认为伦敦离申奥成功尚有不小的距离。当五个候选城市名单最初公布时,伦敦排在巴黎和马德里之后,位居第三。

    For so long the London bid was regarded as way off the pace and when the five candidate cities were originally shortlisted , London was rated third behind Paris and Madrid .

  7. 我曾经在周末做些公司促销活动的推销;这一年来,我一直在当五位中学生的家教,给他们辅导英语。

    On weekends I served some companies as a salesperson in their sales promoting campaign , and I 've been the tutor of five middle school students to help them with their English in the past one year .

  8. 当她五个女儿还小的时候,海伦安总是告诉她们,团结是有力量的。

    When her five daughters were young , Helene An always told them that there was strength in unity .

  9. 的时候,捕十只蝉只会逃走一只;当放五颗弹丸不掉下来的时候,捕蝉就像随手拾取一样容易了。”

    ts are put there and do not fall off , only one cicada out of ten can manage to escape ; when 5 pellets are put there and do not fall off , then catching cicadas is as easy as picking them up at will . "

  10. 学校付给我一百块让我当星期五的舞会的DJ

    The school 's gonna pay me 100 bucks to DJ at the dance on Friday .

  11. 当我五岁的时候:爸爸知道的很多。

    Five years old : My daddy knows a whole lot .

  12. 我在锦江宾馆当过五年接待员。

    I worked as a receptionist for five years at JinJiang Hotel .

  13. 我特喜欢孩子,曾当了五年的孩子王;

    I like children very much , as a teacher for five years .

  14. 我来这里之前已经当了五年教师了。

    I had been a teacher for five years before I come here .

  15. 当我五岁的时候,我会跑但是我不会踢足球。

    When I was five I could run but couldn 't play football .

  16. 我当了五年的家庭主妇了。

    I 've been a housewife for five years .

  17. 他当了五年的足球队长。

    He was ( the ) captain of the football team for five years .

  18. 当我五岁的时候,我爸爸抛弃了我妈妈和我。

    My father deserted my mother and me when I was five years old .

  19. 在我成为教师之前,我已经当了五年的工人。

    I had worked as a worker for five years before I became a teacher .

  20. 这张画有人(坐着)当了五次模特儿才画成。

    This painting took five sittings .

  21. 我在这儿工作快七年了。我当了五年导演。我还当过两年作家。

    I 've been a director for five years . I was a writer for two years .

  22. 当我五年前来到这里时,这里充斥着重建的流言。

    When I got here , five years ago , there was a lot of rebuilding talk .

  23. 他到我们队来以前,已经在别的队当了五年司钻了。

    He had worked as a driller in another crew for five years before he came to our crew .

  24. 十几岁的时候,他当了五年的实验室助理,并在夜校继续学习。

    He spent five years as a laboratory assistant in his teens , continuing his studies at a night school .

  25. 所以当星期五可能会非常棒的时候,侵袭美国部分地区的恶劣天气使本周变了滋味。

    So while Fridays may be awesome , the severe weather moving across parts of the U.S. this week is not .

  26. 但当我五年前去纽约上大学,我蓝色的手成为了冬天的常态。

    But when I moved to New York for college five years ago , my blue hands became a winter mainstay .

  27. 我一直梦想着当我五年的教师任职期满后,自己会进入到某个商业领域,比如说酒店业或是什么的。

    I always had a dream that when I finished my five years , I would join a business-a hotel or whatever .

  28. 当这五个婴儿还安祥地睡在某医院育婴室的氧气帐内时,他们的父母却在为名声付出代价了。

    While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery , their parents were paying the price for fame .

  29. 当放五颗弹丸不掉下来的时候,捕蝉就像随手拾取一样容易了。

    When 5 pellets are put there and do not fall off , then catching cicadas is as easy as picking them up at will .

  30. 指出病机辨识当重视五要素,分为五层次,不同层次的病机辨识具有不同的侧重点与诊疗内涵,反映思维的不同层面,这是临床诊疗的细微之处,必须仔细体悟。

    It pointed out that pathogenesis identification should pay attention to five elements and divided into five levels which has different connotation to disease treatment .