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dāng nián
  • in those years;in those days;the same year


dàng nián
  • the same year;that very year
当年 [dāng nián]
  • (1) [in those days] 过去某一时期

  • 故先生者,当年而霸,楚庄王是也。-- 汉. 韩婴《韩诗外传》

  • 想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎。--宋. 辛弃疾《永遇乐.京口北固亭怀古》

  • 当年,这儿还没有铁路

  • (2) 又指某人的事业、活动或生命的那个全盛时期

  • 遥想公瑾当年, 小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。-- 宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

  • 他正当年,干活不知累

  • [the same year] 在事情发生的同一年

  • 这个新建的厂子当年就收回了投资

当年[dāng nián]
当年[dàng nián]
  1. 一天,有个人拿着一张破席子,登门兜售,对秦士说:“当年,兽哀公设席,赐孔子坐,询问政事。这张正是当年孔子坐过的席子。”

    One day , a man came to his door to peddle3 a worn-out straw mat . He said to the Qin scholar : " In those years , Ai Gong of the State of Lu gave a seat to Confucius to inquire about political affairs . This was the very straw mat on which Confucius had sat. "

  2. 注:在进出口、出口总额占GDP比重中,美元汇率按当年汇率计算。

    Note : Total Value of Imports and Exports as Perentage of GDP , Exchange rate of USD are calculated according to in those years .

  3. 他们的联姻被宣扬成当年的豪门良缘。

    Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year .

  4. 这几件事发生以后,当年就出现了一种有趣的结果。

    There was an interesting sequel to these events later in the year .

  5. 我算出当年的总额为9,599英镑。

    I make the total for the year £ 9,599 .

  6. 截至9月,当年的货币供应增加了14.6%。

    The money supply expanded by 14.6 per cent in the year to September

  7. 现在那声音已不那么刺耳,它又如当年一样让她怦然心动。

    The voice , less coarse now , stirred her as it had then

  8. 为了庆祝杰里·霍尔的36岁生日,他举办了当年演艺圈最盛大的庆祝宴会。

    He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall .

  9. 想当年,这里还没有火车呢!

    Well , in those days there was no railway here .

  10. 他们称赞他为当年的最佳作者。

    They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year .

  11. 这座古建筑还保留着当年的面貌。

    This ancient building still looks as it did originally .

  12. 这是当年白求恩大夫用的手术刀。

    This is the scalpel which Norman Bethune used in those days .

  13. 当年的战斗场面又重现在他眼前。

    The battle scenes of those years reappeared in his mind 's eye .

  14. 他说话的声音已不像当年那样斩钉截铁,铿锵有力,而是含含混混、结结巴巴、有气无力。

    Even his voice became quavering and lost its old masterfulness .

  15. 水库一修成,当年就受益。

    The reservoir provided benefits the same year it was completed .

  16. 看到了一对幸福的青年夫妇就使我们想起了自己当年的幸福日子。

    A happy young couple reminded us of our old happy days .

  17. 那位老人的精力不亚于当年。

    That old man is no less vigorous than before .

  18. 相传这里是当年孔明祭风处。

    According to legend , this is where Kong Ming prayed for wind .

  19. 这根本不同于她当年情窦初开时的恋情。

    It was nothing like her adolescent crushes .

  20. 见到那个花园使我们回想起当年住在巴黎时的日子。

    The sight of the garden bore back the days when we lived in paris .

  21. 在她们的职业生涯的开端,她们比自己的母亲和祖母当年接受的教育更好——或者比她们现在的男性同龄人接受的教育更好。

    At the starting line of their careers , they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been — or than their young male counterparts are now .

  22. 当年有50本书提供解决方案。

    There were 50 books available that year offering solutions .

  23. 但是,当赤壁出现在当年的才艺表演舞台上时,没有人能相信自己的眼睛。

    But , when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year , no one could believe his eyes .

  24. Fox昨日(5月17日)发布了该剧回归版的全集预告片,看到原班人马悉数回归,当年追剧的感觉又回来了。

    Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival1 series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels .

  25. 当年,他是一位很有才干的实业家。

    He was a very able businessman in his day .

  26. 当年3月,英警方截获扣押大量文物。

    British police seized all the items in an operation that March .

  27. 他还是马拉松项目的前世界纪录保持者,当年,他以2:03:23的成绩在2013年柏林马拉松赛上刷新了世界纪录。

    He is the former world record holder2 in the marathon with a time of 2:03:23 , which he set at the 2013 Berlin Marathon .

  28. 同学聚会上,他们要“与1.0版的自己合影”。每人要带张学生时代的照片到场。穿着与照片中相同的衣服,摆相同的姿势,或者跟相同的几个人一起,聚会现场拿着当年的照片再拍一张。

    Everyone has to bring a photo of his / her school days to the gathering , wearing the same clothes , striking the same pose , or taking a photo with the same people from the “ version 1.0 ” .

  29. 当年阿根廷GDP下降10.9%,并被信贷市场拒之门外。

    GDP dropped by 10.9 % that year , and the country was locked out of the credit markets .

  30. 里斯本人也因此书获得当年英国皇家文学会奖和W。

    Wide Sargasso Sea not only earns Rhys a place in the literary canon but also brings her the prestigious W.