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dài màn
  • snub;slight;trifle with;cold-shoulder;idle and dissolute;ignore deliberately;Im afraid I have been a poor host
怠慢 [dài màn]
  • (1) [cold-shoulder;slight;ignore deliberately]∶淡漠;不恭敬

  • 这个客是怠慢不得的。--清. 李宝嘉《官场现形记》

  • (2) [Im afraid I have been a poor host]∶套话,表示招待不周到

  • (3) [idle and dissolute]∶怠惰放荡

  • 二人怠慢军法,吾故斩之。--《三国演义》

怠慢[dài màn]
  1. Rhapsody受到的这种怠慢是在音乐产业持续变化的背景下出现的。

    The slight comes amid continued change for the music industry .

  2. 他把没有人注意他看作是对他怠慢。

    He took it as a slight when nobody noticed him .

  3. 他这个人怠慢不得。

    He is not a person to be trifled with .

  4. 昨天,水利行业的头头们因为怠慢客户而受到批评。

    Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers

  5. 这些官员感到受了怠慢,于是大声抱怨起来。

    The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly .

  6. 如此过分地怠慢他们的崇拜者令人无法接受。

    Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable .

  7. 他与其他女人调情,故意怠慢她。

    He upstages her by flirting with other women .

  8. 德国方面的举动被普遍视为对库克先生的有意怠慢。

    The German move was widely seen as a deliberate snub to Mr Cook .

  9. 瑞安觉得这是一种怠慢。

    Ryan took it as a snub

  10. 别怠慢客人。

    See that none of the guests are neglected .

  11. 怠慢了!

    I 'm afraid I 've been a poor host .

  12. 别怠慢了他们。

    See that none of them are neglected .

  13. 但这种怠慢的背后,隐藏着某种现实的问题。

    But behind the snub lies something real .

  14. Phubbing一词及其衍生词最早出现在2012年,由名词phone和表示“怠慢”的动词snub组合而成。

    The word phubbing and its related derivations first appeared in 2012 , formed from a blend of the noun phone and verb snub meaning ' to insult someone by ignoring them ' .

  15. 无论他的政治关系和脾气如何,他并不愿怠慢这样有势力的人

    Whatever his political connections and proclivities , he did not care to neglect so powerful a man .

  16. 把某人从“打招呼列表”里移除,碰到时只是点点头,可能会被对方视作怠慢。

    Example : Dropping someone from your hello list to just a nod when you pass him or her might be considered a snub by the other person .

  17. 生命就是这样,你总要做些什么,或者感受些什么,这两种过程都值得尊敬,不能怠慢。

    This is what life should be like : you have to do something or feel something . Each of these two choices is respectable and cannot be taken lightly .

  18. 身为牛津大学(Oxford)队教练的历史学家哈内克•威尔森(HannekeWilson)也毫不怠慢,每周六下午,她都为队员们组织十二款酒盲品的实战演练。

    The Oxford coach , historian Hanneke Wilson , inflicts a similar routine , including a 12-bottle tasting under match conditions every Saturday afternoon .

  19. 德尔索尔达托先生过去曾是福斯托•通纳(FaustoTonna)的得力助手。通纳先生在帕玛拉特长期担任首席财务官,打造了该公司复杂的资产负债表,且经常怠慢分析师。

    Mr Del Soldato had been the right hand man to Fausto Tonna , the long-time CFO who built up the complex balance sheet and regularly snubbed analysts .

  20. 我对于我的银行怠慢我感到讨厌。

    I 'm tired of being messed around by my bank .

  21. 其他人见师父生气,更是不敢怠慢。

    Others see the master angry , it is not neglect .

  22. 接下来的一个月里,男朋友可能会怠慢你。

    Get used to not being treated so well next month .

  23. 哈维:我想你的缺席可能会被视为是对客人的怠慢。

    Harvey : I think your absence might be considered a slight .

  24. 在这类事情上不打招呼就成了怠慢朋友。

    No communication on this matter constitutes snubbing your friend .

  25. 梭发那认为又一次受到怠慢,便转向莫斯科。

    Snubbed again , as he thought , Souvanna returned to Moscow .

  26. 像这样的怠慢话谁能不放在心上呢?

    Which one could take snub like this lying down ?

  27. 不可怠慢了的爱好者。

    We can 't risk alienating the Star Trek fans .

  28. 恕我怠慢詹姆斯先生真是很意外

    My apologies , Mr. James , but this is quite unexpected .

  29. 他那天怠慢了玛丽亚福克斯,将来总要后悔的。

    He 'll live to rue the day he slighted Maria fox .

  30. 可不能怠慢吉姆这个人。

    Jim is not a man to be trifled with .