
  1. 当二十世纪三十年代大萧条袭来时,各个国家为了保护自身利益而不惜损害他人利益,其结果最终对自己造成了伤害。

    When the Great Depression hit in the1930s each country responded to protect its national interests – to the detriment of others and , in the end , harming themselves .

  2. 当二十世纪末的历史余晖在古老的文化原野投下最后一抹背影时,印刷时代的文学宿命般的步入了落潮期。

    The age of printing turned into a period of ebb-tide when the historical twilight has been cast into the culture field and leave behind the last shadow in the twenty centuries .

  3. 我曾给红衣主教斯巴达当过二十年秘书。

    I was for twenty years cardinal spada 's secretary ;

  4. 事实上,她沮丧是因为她克制自己,让自己当了二十年的顺民。

    She is depressed because she has denied herself by being agreeable for twenty years .

  5. 当这位二十岁的女孩开始搔首弄姿时,社交媒体难以自持;

    When the 20-year-old twisted her tongue , twerked and touched herself , social media went nuts ;

  6. 但是,当他二十岁时,他已将这个富有而古老家庭的钱财全部花光。

    But by the age of twenty , he had spent all the money the good old family had .

  7. 比尔·布朗在国会当议员已经二十年了。

    Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for20 years .

  8. 连续三次被巴黎美术学院拒之门外后,罗丹当了近二十年的砌砖工(从十九世纪五十年代至十九世纪七十年代)。

    Rejected by the prestigious art school Ecole des Beaux-Arts three times , Rodin worked as a decorative bricklayer for nearly two decades , from the late 1850s to late 1870s .

  9. 当避孕药于二十世纪六十年代被引进时,它就含有高浓度的雌性激素,这会造成服用者食欲增加和体液潴留。

    When the pill was introduced in the 1960s , it had very high levels of estrogen , which does increase appetite and fluid retention . The current version of the oral contraceptive has much lower levels .

  10. 当人们回顾二十世纪人类历史发展进程的时候,毫无疑问地会把欧盟经济一体化看作是划破历史时空的一个重大的制度创新。

    Looking back at the development of human history in the 20th century , we will undoubtedly believe that the creation of the European Economic Integration has gone down in history as one of the most remarkable achievements of the century with its greatest institutional innovation ever .

  11. 他当酒店经理已有二十年。

    He has been wording as a hotel manager for twenty years .

  12. 他当足球教练有二十年了。

    He has been a football coach for twenty years .

  13. 当我们试图进入二十世纪中国历史的迷宫时,革命是不可失却的牵引线索。

    When we attempt to enter the maze of Chinese history of the twentieth century , revolution is the traction clues which are never lost .

  14. 当数字化浪潮涌进二十世纪末期的一切领域时,保护敦煌的人们捷足先登,开始了大规模计算机存储与再现系统的研究。

    When the digitalization tide surged over all fields in the late20th century , Dunhuang preservers ran the fastest to begin research on large-scale computer storage and representation systems .