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  • Tire mold;model
  1. 其利用导圆柱胎模将螺旋盘梯精确定位并使其空间制作变为平面装配,大大提高了螺旋盘梯的制作精度,并且提高了工效。

    By using the cylinder shaped internal model to accurately locate the spiral stairs and turning the building in space process into on ground assembling process , the building accuracy of the spiral stairs and working efficiency have been greatly improved .

  2. 样件以胎模定位,胎模表面根据本体CAD数据加工,表面倒PU胶,保证不划伤本体表面。

    Product parts located by fixture surface , which milled according to parts surface CAD data , and then coated by PU , to prevent the parts surface from being scratched .

  3. 耐腐蚀高颈法兰胎模锻造成形的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Die Forging for Corrosion Resistant Hubbed Flange

  4. 中心管胎模锻造工艺研究

    A study of the technology for the opened-die forging of centre pipe

  5. 大型圆锥滚子轴承内圈胎模锻造工艺

    Loose Tooling Forging of Large Cone Roller Bearing Inner Ring

  6. 超设备能力的胎模无飞边锻造

    Padding Mould Forging with No Fash by Exceeding the Capacity of Equipment

  7. 胎模损坏形式分析及其对策

    Analysis and countermeasures to the forms of loose tooling damaged

  8. 锻制吊攀的局部分段胎模锻造

    Local Sectional Die Forging Process of Clevis

  9. 水泥土地胎模施工技术

    Construction Technology of Cement and Soil Mould

  10. 热风炉炉壳胎模的制作

    Making mould of hot-air stove shell

  11. 实践证明新工艺明显优于整体胎模银工艺,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。

    It is shown that the new technology possesses obvious benefits both in society and economy .

  12. 套筒胎模内镦挤成形时接触表面正应力的实验研究

    An Experimental Investigation into the Stress Distribution on the Contact Surfaces During Close-die Loose Tooling Forging

  13. 焊接胎模中的定位及夹紧装置

    Stoppers and Clamps of Welding Jigs

  14. 为了提高产品质量和经济效益,必须进行技术改进与创新,经过深入分析研究,决定运用胎模锻造的锻造工艺。

    In order to improve economic efficiency and quality , the technology must be improved and innovated .

  15. 无心弯管胎模设计

    Die Design of Tube Bending

  16. 介绍浅水承台施工的一种新方法&预制混凝土胎模法。

    The paper introduced a new method of bearing platform construction in shallow water-prefabricated concrete tire shuttering method .

  17. 根据公司胎模设计中的各种定位及夹紧装置,列举了多种不同型式的定位块和夹具。

    This paper introduces various kinds of stoppers and clamps which are applied to the welding jigs in the author ′ s company .

  18. 从多个方面探讨了钢筋混凝土穹屋顶水泥炉渣胎模施工技术,并通过实例证明了其实施效果。

    This paper probes into cement-slag-molding-bed construction technology for reinforced concrete groined roof from various aspects , and proves its carryover effect with actual example .

  19. 介绍了小型轴承套的胎模锻造工艺,并详述了组合套模的设计要点。

    The die forging process for the small type bearing bushings has been described in this article , as well as the design outline of the assembled sleeve die .

  20. 通过单拐曲轴全流线的自由(胎模)锻、自由锻放坯模锻锤成形及联合锻造方式的3种成形方式的对比分析,介绍了的联合锻造方式的特点及其操作方式。

    This paper compares the combined forging method with free forging and die forging , introduces characteristics and the operation procedures of the combined forging method of single turn crank .

  21. 可用于钢模、木模、混凝土胎模、干模或湿模的现浇混凝土施工或蒸养混凝土制品脱横用。

    Can be used in steel form , block , concrete tire mold , dry or wet modulus of mould construction of cast-in-situ concrete products or steamed keep off the use .

  22. 汽车前轴的整体模锻,我国主要采用以下几种工艺:热模锻压力机成型、模锻锤锻造成型,自由锻胎模锻造成型、锟锻成型和摩擦压力机棋锻成型。

    In the integral die forging processes of automobile front axles , forging stocks are mainly formed with the following equipment in this country : hot die forging press , die hammer , free forging machine , roll forging machine and friction press , etc.

  23. 结合实践经验,从底胎模、模板工程、钢筋工程、混凝土工程等方面,对预制箱梁的施工工艺进行了介绍,对组合箱梁结构形式的施工具有一定的参考价值。

    Combined with practical experience , it introduces construction technology of prefabricated box beam from aspects of bottom tire mold , formwork project , steel project , and concrete project , which has some referential value for construction of combined box beam structure style .

  24. 探索了高温锻造淬火工艺对8091铝锂合金组织与性能的影响,并与胎模锻造以及胎模锻造加模压预变形工艺做了对比。

    Effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 8091 Al-Li alloy is researched with the high temperature forging-quenching technology , and the structure and property comparisons are made among the above technology and the foetal die forging as well as foetal die forging-cold pressing preforming technology .

  25. 基于UGNX子午胎活络模CAD系统研究与开发

    Research and Application on CAD System of Radial Tire Mould Base on UG NX

  26. 重力钢化炉的成型、钢化主要是将玻璃加热软化,玻璃在重力作用下沿成型胎边框模周边下弯成型,再将玻璃由加热炉移至急冷设备风栅间淬冷钢化。

    Glass was heated to its softening point and reshaped in mold under its gravity in heating furnace , then was sharp quenched by cold blast immediately .