
  • 网络Placental delivery;placental expulsion
  1. 妊高征临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。

    PIH can spontaneously relieve its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  2. 胎盘娩出后,即取脐静脉制备透射电镜样品并观察。

    Immediately after delivery of fetus , umbilical vein was acquired and prepared for transmission electron microscopic examination .

  3. 其临床特点为当胎盘娩出后,临床症状和体征多自然消退。这一临床特点表明胎盘在妊高征的发病中起着重要作用。

    It is characterized by the spontaneous relieve of its symptoms and signs after the delivery of placenta .

  4. 米索一次用药胎儿胎盘娩出率Ⅰ组为72%、Ⅱ组为20.05%,两组间有非常显著差异(P<0.01);

    The natural induced labor rate of placenta was 72 % in group I after given misoprostol at first and 20.05 % in group II , the difference in two groups was very significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 第三产程中放脐血促进胎盘剥离娩出的临床观察

    The clinical observation bleeding the umbilical cord blood to accelerate the placenta separation

  6. 妊娠20周后或分娩期,正常位置的胎盘在胎儿娩出前部分或全部从子宫壁剥离称为胎盘早期剥离,为妊娠晚期的一种严重并发症。

    When the placenta in normal position peels off the uterus wall in part or whole before the foetus is delivered , it is known as early peeling off of placenta and is a serious complication during late phase of pregnancy .