
  1. 米非司酮与利凡诺联合用于中孕引产72例临床观察

    Mifepristone and Rivanol joint for 72 cases of induced abortion in pregnant clinical observation

  2. 米非司酮联合利凡诺用于中孕引产的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of the Effects of Mifepristone Combined Rivanol on Metaphase Pregnancy Induced Labor

  3. 目的探讨依沙吖啶联合米非司酮用于中孕引产的效果。

    Clinical Observation of Rivanol Combined with Mifepristone in the Induction of Labor in Mid-pregnancy ;

  4. 超声用于瘢痕子宫中孕引产可视观察产程的效果分析

    Ultrasound for scar in the pregnant uterus induced visual observation of the effect of birth process analysis

  5. 硬膜外注入罗哌卡因和肌注度冷丁在中孕引产镇痛中的应用研究

    The Study of Application of Epidural Infusion of Ropivacaine and Pethidine Intramuscular Injection in Induction of Labor Analgesia in Midpregnancy

  6. 中孕引产中胎盘植入致子宫穿孔发生因素与救治分析

    The befallen factors of uterus perforation due to placenta implantation in the induction of labor in midpregnancy and its treatment

  7. 利凡诺羊膜腔内注射中孕引产前后血清中胎盘泌乳素、雌三醇及孕酮的变化

    The Changes of Serum Placental Lactogen , Estriol and Progesterone before and after Induction of Labor by Injecting Rivanol into Amniotic Cavity of Midpregnancy Women

  8. 子宫动脉栓塞术在中孕胎盘前置状态引产中的应用

    Application of uterine artery embolization in induced abortion with placenta previa