
rén ɡōnɡ pò mó
  • artificial rupture of membranes
  1. 结论阴道放置米索前列醇用于人工破膜后引产能促宫颈成熟及发动子宫收缩,是安全、有效的引产方法。

    Conclusion Intravaginal misoprostol may be an effective and safe method for induction of labor after artificial rupture of membranes , misoprostol can accelerate cervical ripeness and uterus systole .

  2. 3种方法引产后,如宫颈Bishop评分≥7分,则行人工破膜术。

    Once the cervical Bishop score exceeded 7 , an artificial amniotomy was performed .

  3. 活跃期人工破膜对PGI2和TXA2的影响

    Observation on influence of amniotomy upon pgi_2 and txa_2 at active phase

  4. 方法160例中、重度PIH患者分为A、B两组,A组缩宫素静脉滴注引产,待自然破膜,B组采用早期人工破膜加缩宫素静滴引产。

    Methods To divide 160 sufferers who are moderate PIH or severe PIH into A and B groups . B group was adopted earlier ARM to induced labor in addition to oxytocin intranenously ;

  5. 方法宫颈开大3~5cm时,出现胎头下降迟缓,即实施人工破膜。

    Methods The artificial rupture was performed when uterus cervix dilated at 3 ~ 5cm and fetal head decreased slowly .

  6. 人工破膜对诊断羊水过少的价值

    The value of artificial rupture of membrane in diagnosing oligohydramnios

  7. 人工破膜时机对产程的影响

    The Effect of Artificial Rupture of Labour Membrane on

  8. 人工破膜及剥膜对分娩的影响

    Study on Efficacy of Labor with Artificial Rupture of Fatal Membrane and Strip Membranes

  9. 早期人工破膜法加速产程的临床研究

    Clinical study on early artificial rupture of fetal membrane to shorten the stages of labor

  10. 目的探讨潜伏期人工破膜对产程的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of artificial rupture in the latent phase on labor .

  11. 结论活跃期人工破膜操作方便、安全;

    Conclusion The artificial rupture of fetal membrane at active stage should be convenient and safe .

  12. 目的:探讨人工破膜在诊断羊水过少中的意义。

    Objective : To explore the value of artificial rupture of membrane ( ARM ) in diagnosing oligohydramnios .

  13. 早期人工破膜对妊高征患者引产时产程的影响

    Effect of early artificial rupture of membrane on birth process of induced labor in patients with hypertension of pregnancy

  14. 方法研究组是根据人工破膜时所流出的羊水量判断羊水多少;

    Methods For the group under study , amniotic fluid amount was determined upon the amount flowed out during AA .

  15. 方法:回顾性分析人工破膜及剥膜对分娩的影响。

    Methods : To study the effects on the labor course with the artificial rupture of fetal membranes and strip membranes .

  16. 目的观察活跃期人工破膜加静推间苯三酚对产程进展的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of intravenous injection with phloroglucinol plus artificial rupture of fetal membranes on stages of labor .

  17. 缩宫素使用、硬膜外麻醉镇痛及人工破膜等产时干预观察组少于对照组;

    The observation group had an obvious decrease in obstetrical interference measures such as oxytocin induction rate and epidural anesthesia pain relieve rate .

  18. 观察在活跃早期行人工破膜对产程进展及分娩的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of carrying out artificial rupturing membrane in early activity period on birth process progress and delivery .

  19. 实验结果说明,早期人工破膜可明显缩短产程时间,两组对比差异有非常显著意义。

    The result indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups and artificial rupture of membrane could make the birth process shorter .

  20. 目的探讨早期人工破膜对子痫前期患者引产时产程的影响,以期为子痫前期患者适时终止妊娠确定恰当的引产方法。

    Objective To investigate effect of early artificial rupture of fetal membranes on birth process of patients with PIH , and to ascertain appropriate method to timely terminate pregnancy for woman with PIH .