
  • 网络Artificial Tear
  1. 人工泪液的药理及临床使用情况分析

    The analysis of pharmacologic action and clinical application of the artificial tears

  2. 干眼病患者角膜表面规则性及人工泪液对角膜表面规则性的影响

    The effect of artificial tears on corneal surface regularity in dry eye

  3. 结论:局部应用CSA联合FN人工泪液对干眼症治疗有较好的疗效。

    Conclusion : Topical treatment with CSA 0.2 % combined with FN in artificial tear is an effective therapy for dry eye patients .

  4. 自体血清人工泪液在持续性角膜上皮缺损中的应用

    The use of autologous serum tears in persis-tent corneal epithelial defects

  5. 眼部治疗主要是应用抗感染和人工泪液治疗。

    The major methods of ocular treatment were antibiotics and artificial tear .

  6. 琥珀酰壳聚糖人工泪液的制备及质量控制

    Study on preparation and quality control of succinyl-chitosan artificial tears eye drops

  7. 眼干燥症及其人工泪液替代疗法

    Ophthalmoxerosis and its therapy with artificial tears as substitute

  8. 干眼症的病因十分复杂,目前,临床上仍大多应用人工泪液来治疗。

    At present , the clinical application of artificial tears still mostly to treatment .

  9. 中药人工泪液对家兔干眼模型疗效研究

    Research on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine artificial tear to rabbit model dry eye

  10. 3例(3眼)因严重的眼干燥症,需长期滴用人工泪液。

    Eyes had severe dry eye syndrome .

  11. 一项随机双盲临床试验表面使用酮咯酸对比人工泪液在治疗表层巩膜炎患者中的作用

    A randomised , double-blind trial of topical ketorolac vs artificial tears for the treatment of episcleritis

  12. 目的评价眼舒康人工泪液的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of artificial tear Yanshukang in treatment of dry eye .

  13. 干眼患者超声乳化术前人工泪液干预的临床研究

    Clinical study of artificial tears on the tear film of patients with dry eye before phacoemulsification

  14. 人工泪液联合泪点栓塞术治疗眼干燥症的效果观察

    Observation on therapeutic efficacy of artificial dacryma combined with lacrimal punctum embolization in the treatment of ophthalmoxerosis

  15. 方法:将45例干眼症患者随机分为整体辨证针刺组(针刺1组)、局部取穴针刺组(针刺2组)和人工泪液组(对照组)。

    Methods Forty-five cases were randomly divided into acupuncture group 1 , acupuncture group 2 and control group .

  16. 术后,局部应用人工泪液、抗生素眼液和类固醇眼液。

    After operation , all patients were handled with artificial tears , antibiotic eye drops and topical corticosteroids .

  17. 人工泪液等局部用药在干眼的治疗中有着重要作用。

    Administering topical drugs such as artificial tears play a important role in the treatment of dry eye .

  18. 目的:研究人工泪液和中药联合运用治疗干眼综合征的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the treatment for dry eye syndrome through combining the artificial lacrima and Chinese traditional medicine .

  19. 用人工泪液和润滑剂替代泪液以提高表面湿度,增加润滑度及提高视锐度是目前应用最广的疗法。

    The goals of treatment are to increase the humidity at the surface , to increase lubrication and to improve visual acuity .

  20. 结论中重度眼干燥症进行人工泪液滴眼联合泪点栓塞术治疗在3种方法中效果最好。

    Conclusion [ WTBZ ] The treatment method of lacrimal punctum embolization combined with artificial dacryma is the best method in three methods for mide and severe ophthalmoxerosis .

  21. 许多干眼症患者抱怨醒来时眼睛发痒,这种症状可以通过睡前使用人工泪液软膏来缓解。

    Many people with dry eye complain of scratchy eyes when they wake up ; this symptom can be lessened by using an artificial tear ointment at bedtime .

  22. 本文就壳聚糖作为人工泪液、医用粘弹剂、药物缓释系统载体、抗纤维增生药物等的应用进行简要的介绍。

    This article reviewed the therapeutic use of chitosan as artificial lacrima , medical viscoelastic material , carrier of drug delivery systems and so on in ophthalmic disease .

  23. 建议术后6m-12m的时间内,可依据术眼情况而使用人工泪液,继续使用角膜营养药物及神经营养药物。

    After operated six months , we can use manual tear depending on the state of the operative eye , and continue medication with corneal nutrition and nerve nutrition .

  24. 本文在人工泪液治疗眼干燥症的基础上,着重从病理学和免疫学研究角度在病因上对眼干燥症的治疗进展进行综述。

    Based on artificial tears in the treatment of dry eyes syndrome , there are many others new medicines such as Cyclosporine A have shown a good therapeutic potential .

  25. 利巴韦林在水、模拟人工泪液溶解度均大于340mg·mL~(-1),在正辛醇/水系统的表观油/水分配系数约为0.055。

    Ribavirin is freely soluble in water and simulated tear fluid ( STF ) and the apparent partition coefficient in n-octanol / water system is about 0.055.The methods were developed for measurment the gelation temperature ( GT ) and viscosity .

  26. 方法:1.患者按就诊的先后次序,采用计算机分配随机数字,分别给予人工泪液治疗(对照组)或中药熏蒸+人工泪液治疗(治疗组)。

    Distribution of patients in clinic of the sequence , using the computer random number , respectively give artificial tears treatment ( control group ) or traditional Chinese medicine fumigation treatment + artificial tears ( treatment group ) . 2 .