
luǒ yǎn shì lì
  • naked vision
  1. 结论:在低、中度近视中,LASIK术后的偏心程度较PRK的稍重,引起裸眼视力偏低。

    Conclusion : When myopia degree is lower than - 6.00D , the eccentricity on corneal topography after LASIK is more serious than after PRK , and naked vision is also lower .

  2. 1例裸眼视力0.1~0.5,戴镜矫正后视力为0.6。

    In other 1 patient , naked vision was 0.1 ~ 0.5 and rectified to 0.6 by wore glasses .

  3. 结果术后6个月裸眼视力≥0.5和≥0.8者,A组分别为100%、94.73%;B组为90.47%、63.15%。

    Results The acuity visual ≥ 0.5 and ≥ 0.8 at 6th month after operation in group A and group B were 100 % , 94.73 % and 90.47 % , 63.15 % respectively .

  4. 方法对270例(525只眼)近视青少年验配OK镜,对其裸眼视力和屈光度改变进行4a的临床观察。

    Methods A four-year clinical observation was carried on 270 myopia adolescents ( 525 eyes ) whose eyesight were corrected by OK .

  5. 术后三个月复查裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、视野、ERG、眼底彩照及FFA。

    Three months after the treatment , naked eyesight , the best corrective eyesight , visual field , ERG , FFA and color photo of fundus were examined .

  6. 目的:比较LASIK手术前后角膜厚度的变化,以及术前最好矫正视力与术后裸眼视力的比较,分析角膜组织的额外损失量及其对术后裸眼视力的影响。

    Objective : To observe the changes in human corneal thickness before and after laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ), and discuss the effect of extra loss of corneal thickness on eye visual acuity .

  7. 目的针对术前存在逆规散光的患者,研究不同位置的白内障超声乳化手术切口所引起的手术散光(SIA)以及其对术后角膜散光和裸眼视力的影响。

    Objective To evaluate surgically induced astigmatism ( SIA ), postoperative astigmatism and uncorrected visual acuity ( UCVA ) after phacoemulsification with different incisions in cases of preoperative against-the-rule astigmatism .

  8. 术后平均裸眼视力1.08±0.23,平均等值球镜-0.35±0.41D。

    The average uncorrected visual acuity was 1.08 ± 0.23 and the mean spherical equivalent was - 0.35 ± 0.41D .

  9. 大于6个月随访,裸眼视力较术前平均提高4行,最佳矫正视力提高7行,平均散光43D。

    The average uncorrected vision was elevated 4 lines and the best corrected vision was elevated 7 lines postoperatively , the average astigmatism was 4 3 D.

  10. 2例行玻璃体手术患者屈光状态在-0.75D~-1.5D,裸眼视力0.4~0.6,矫正视力0.5~0.7。结论准分子激光近视矫正术后的视网膜脱离选择玻璃体手术复位较适宜。

    Visual acuity of the naked eyes were 0.4 ~ 0.6 and the best correct vision were 0.5 ~ 0.7 . Conclusion we recommend the vitrectomy surgery is the better option for retinal detachment of postoperative Lasik .

  11. 结论准分子激光手术有效提高屈光不正眼的裸眼视力。

    Conclusion Excimer laser cornea reshaping can improve the visual acuity of ametropia .

  12. 穿透性角膜移植术后拆线时间对裸眼视力的影响

    The Influence of the Time for Stitches Removal after Penetrating Keratoplasty on Naked Visual Acuity

  13. 术后第2日裸眼视力0.5~1.2者513眼(82.88%);

    Days after surgery , 82.88 % ( 513 eyes ) had a vision of 0.5-1.2 ;

  14. 2004年对双眼裸眼视力均正常(≥1.0)的326名考生测量了眼轴长度。

    326 students with normal VA (≥ 1.0 ) in 2004 were measured the axial length in both eyes .

  15. 是稳定的一个特征。术后1月裸眼视力≥10者占62%,并趋于稳定。

    Uncorrected visual acuity of 1.0 or better was in 62 percent of 36 and became stable one month postoperatively .

  16. 视力均有不同程度的提高,最佳裸眼视力01~08者36眼,手动~006者24眼。

    The best uncorrected visual acuity was 0.1 ~ 0.8 in 36 eyes , figure movement ~ 0.06 in 24 eyes .

  17. 结果术后第1天裸眼视力均达到或超过术前预期矫正视力;

    Results At1 day postoperatively , the visual acuity remained the same or exceeded the bast spectacle-corrected visual acuity ( BSCVA ) .

  18. 结论真性小眼球植入背驮式人工晶状体可改善裸眼视力,矫正远视状态并加深前房。

    Conclusion Nanophthalmos with double implanted can improve the visual acuity of naked eye , correct the hyperopia and deepen anterior chamber .

  19. 结果:分区切削组术后第2天裸眼视力平均0.86,术后3个月时的裸眼视力平均0.81;

    Results : The post-operational uncorrected visual acuity of multi-zone ablation group was 0.86 for 1 day and 0.81 for 3 months .

  20. 5例患者术后再次行穿透角膜移植术,术后裸眼视力为03~06。

    Patients were undertaken penetrating keratoplasty after the former lamellar keratoplasty . Their postoperative vision was 0.3 ~ 0.6 ( uncorrected ) .

  21. 术后3个月时裸眼视力1.0以上的分别为96.2%、93.0%、84.2%;

    96.2 % , 93.0 % and 84.2 % had vision of 1.0 or better in the 3 groups at 3 months .

  22. 14只眼行2次小梁切开术,成功率为50.0%,总成功率为70.2%,成功者中只有12只眼(36.0%)裸眼视力≥0.5。

    14 eyes underwent second trabeculectomy , and 7 eyes ( 50.0 % ) were successful the total success rate was 70.2 % .

  23. 结果术后裸眼视力≥05者15眼,占8333%,2眼术后有少量的前房积血及球结膜下出血。

    Results Postoperatively , uncorrected visual acuity ≥ 0.5 in 15 eyes ( 83.33 % ), hyphema and subconjunctival hemorrhage in two eyes .

  24. 结果:术后角膜水肿及前房炎症反应轻,裸眼视力0.5以上19眼。

    Result : Cornea edema and anterior chamber inflammation were mild and the vision was more than 0.5 in 19 eyes after the operation .

  25. 结论对术前已经存在逆规散光的患者来讲,颞侧角膜切口有助于减小术后角膜散光,从而进一步提高术后裸眼视力。

    Conclusions In cases of preoperative against-the-rule astigmatism , temporal corneal incision resulted low postoperative astigmatism and better uncorrected visual acuity ( UCVA ) .

  26. 54%的术眼裸眼视力达到1.0以上,裸眼视力0.5以上者占99%;

    The uncorrected visual acuity was 1.0 or better in 54 % of eyes , it was 0.5 or better in 99 % of eye .

  27. 裸眼视力平均达0.2,矫正视力提高者17例,矫正视力平均为0.5,屈光不正中,近视7例(41.2%),均为3.0D以内的轻度近视;

    All patients obtained mean uncorrected visual acuity 0 2 , mean corrected visual acuity 0 5 in 17 cases of corrected visual acuity improved .

  28. 结果术后裸眼视力≤0.1者11只眼,其矫正视力为0.05~1.0;

    Results There were 11 eyes of which the visual acuity after penetrating keratoplasty ≤ 0.1 , and their corrected visual acuity were 0.05 ~ 1.0 ;

  29. 术后裸眼视力下降的平均时间为高度近视组3.335月,中度近视组为3.196月;

    The mean time was 3.335 months that the uncorrected visual acuity was oss in high myopias , the middle myopia mean time was 3.196 months .

  30. 术后裸眼视力0.1~0.3者5只眼,0.3~0.5者4只眼,>0.5者28只眼。

    After operation nude visual acuity was 0.1 ~ 0.3 in 5 eyes , 0.3 ~ 0.5 in 4 eyes and > 0.5 in 28 eyes .