
luǒ zhuānɡ
  • Naked;load cargo without protective covering
  1. 钢材可以裸装。

    Steel can be loaded nude .

  2. 为考核纤维增强攻坚战斗部在混凝土中的爆炸毁伤效应,对裸装药、复合材料壳体、钢壳体装药在混凝土靶中的爆炸破坏效应进行了对比试验研究。

    Experimental investigation on the blast effect of naked explosive , explosive charge covered with composite material shell as well as with steel shell in the concrete target is described .

  3. 随着市场竞争日趋激烈,各个行业的商家为了追求利益的最大化,都非常注重产品的包装,从裸装到包装,从包装到精装,体现了社会的进步和科技的发展。

    With the increasingly competitive market , businesses in various industries in order to pursue the maximization of the interests of both attach great importance to product packaging , from the bare equipment to packaging , from packaging to the hardcover , reflecting the social progress and technological development .