
  1. 就其特征而言,主要表现为国际性、民族性、宗教性以及裸体竞技。

    On its characteristics , the main performance were the international , ethnic , religious and naked athletics .

  2. 服装的稀有,生产力水平的低下和对神的崇拜是古奥运会上出现裸体竞技的主要原因。

    The scarcity of clothing , the worship of God and the low level of productive force are the main causes for the presence of naked athletes in ancient Olympic arena .

  3. 在古希腊,奥运会开幕前,运动员被要求赤身裸体地在街道上行进。对于观众们来说,这只是个赛前热身。在之后的正式比赛中,他们会看到运动员们的裸体竞技,这往往吸引来巨大的关注。

    In ancient Greece , the athletes were asked to march naked through the streets before the games began - it was a warm-up exercise for the spectators , before the main event of watching them all compete naked , which takes an incredible amount of concentration .