
bāi shǒu wàn
  • arm wrestling
  1. 我看你就先别跟人家掰手腕了。

    So you might have to lay off the arm wrestling .

  2. 基于力测试的掰手腕机器人系统设计

    Design of Arm Wrestling Robot Based on Force Testing

  3. 马克:我们必须得找个时间掰手腕才知道了。

    Mark : We 'll have to arm wrestle sometime and find out .

  4. 完成掰手腕机器人的硬件连接和控制系统的软件设计,并搭建掰手腕机器人实验平台。

    We complete the hardware connection and software design of the AWR control system , and set up an experimental platform . 3 .

  5. 首先介绍了掰手腕机器人系统的整体结构,然后引入专家系统控制,最后讨论了在此基础上的实验和结果。

    First , The whole architecture of our AWR system is displayed , then , expert system control is imported . Finally , the experiment and result in AWR system are discussed .