
  • 网络classic rhetoric;Classical Rhetoric
  1. 一般认为,隐喻由字面意义与修辞意义(隐喻意义)构成。古典修辞学认为存在着两种不同的语言&日常语言与隐喻语言,而今人则认为它们不过是语言内部两种不同的语义表达。

    Classic rhetoric holds that there are two languages : ordinary language and metaphoric language , while today they are thought to be but forms of one language : the literal expression and the metaphoric expression .

  2. 现代修辞学也体现了对西方古典修辞学的承袭与补充、挑战与否定。

    Challenge and negation of the western classical rhetoric .

  3. 关于中西修辞学传统的思考现代修辞学与西方古典修辞学之比较

    Comparison between modern rhetoric and western classical rhetoric

  4. 语篇分析最早发端于两千年前的古典修辞学。

    The origin of discourse analysis should be dated back to classical rhetorics two hundred years ago .

  5. 语篇的修辞性与古典修辞学理性诉求、情感诉求、品格诉求紧密相关。

    The textual rhetoricity is in close relation to the logos , pathos and ethos in classical rhetoric .

  6. 风格学起源于古典修辞学。在现代,风格学是介于文学批评和语言学之间的中间学科。

    Deriving from ancient rhetorics , stylistics is , in modern times , an intermediate study between literary criticism and linguistics .

  7. 主要使用的理论来自西方古典修辞学、逻辑学、哲学、认知心理学等等。

    The theories involved are mainly from Western classical rhetoric , logical study , philosophy , cognitive psychology and so on .

  8. 隐喻和转喻的研历经了三个阶段,从古典修辞学走入了认知语言学研究的殿堂。

    The research of metaphor and metonymy has experienced three periods , from classical rhetoric into the palace of cognitive linguistics research .

  9. 论古典修辞学与新修辞学的部目观属于或关于蒙古地区、蒙古人、蒙古语、蒙古文化的。

    On Topos of Classical Rhetoric and Neo-rhetoric ; of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures .

  10. 修辞三段论在西方古典修辞学中是论辩证明的核心和灵魂,具有认知性。

    With the modern cognitive theories the cognitive feature of enthymeme is examined ; its cognitive process is analyzed and its cognitive prerequisites and cognitive natures are deduced .

  11. 此外,本课题主要吸收了古典修辞学、新修辞学、批评性语篇分析、认知语言学、政治学、翻译学等研究领域中的相关原理和方法。

    In addition , this study takes in related theories from classical rhetoric , new rhetoric , CDA , cognitive linguistics , politics , translatology , etc. as its methodological tools .

  12. 20世纪初,伴随现代语言学理论的发展,研究语言特点的文体学逐渐发展起来,形成了与现代修辞学并行的,且比其规模更大的,古典修辞学派生的分支。

    In the early twentieth century , with the development of modern linguistic theories , stylistics focusing on language features gradually flourished . It is the embranchment of the classical rhetoric , whose scale is even larger than modern rhetoric .

  13. 追踪绘画的装饰原则与古典修辞学理论的关系:探究装饰古典风格浮雕与文艺复兴绘画整体原则的含意;

    The relationship between the principle of ornateness in painting and the ornate style in the classical theory of rhetoric ; the implications of the principle of relief in the ornate classical style and in Renaissance painting as a whole ;

  14. 它在发展过程中受到各种理论的影响,主要有古典修辞学,新修辞学,英语写作教学理论及篇章语言学。

    In its course of development , CR has been influenced by a variety of theories , mainly classical rhetoric , new rhetoric , composition theory and text linguistics , which have provided CR with theoretical foundation and research methods .