
gǔ fēng
  • antiquities;ancient customs;a form of pre-Tang poetry
古风 [gǔ fēng]
  • (1) [ancient customs]∶古人之风。指质朴淳古的习尚、气度和文风,也指质朴的生活作风

  • 这个山村的人衣冠简朴,古风犹存

  • (2) [a form of pre-Tang poetry,usu.]∶诗体名。即古诗、古体诗

古风[gǔ fēng]
  1. 长久隐于侗族村寨中的鼓楼,固然鲜为人知,但其高雅古风犹存。

    The latent Gulou in Dong stockaded village for a long time , rarely known by the people , their graceful ancient customs still exist .

  2. 到了今天春天是一个比我年长12岁、和一位穿着褪色长内裤的“古风”派男子共住在一间俯视Tompkins广场公园的家伙。

    In the spring there was the guy12 years older than me who shared an apartment overlooking Tompkins Square Park with an antediluvian man who walked around in graying long underwear .

  3. 溢洪道天然边坡FLAC三维模型分析结果表明:溢洪道边坡整体是稳定的;但在古风化壳、断层带分布的溢洪道开挖边坡中部和开挖平台部位为应变增量高值带,存在局部失稳。

    The result of FLAC Three-dimensional model of spillway slope indicated : the whole spillway slope is stable , but there are high value of shear strain increment at the area which is distributed the paleo-weathering crust and the faultage of spillway slope .

  4. 四川盆地红层古风化壳的地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of the ancient weathered crust in Sichuan Red Basin

  5. 花海湖泊古风成砂的粒度特征及其环境意义

    The Grain Size Characteristics of Aeolian Sand and Its Environmental Significance

  6. 阿尔泰山古风化壳的地球化学特征

    The geochemical characteristics of the paleo-weathering crusts in the Altay Mountains

  7. 它是在古风时代初期通过“居地统一”运动确立的。

    It was established by synoecism early in the Archaic period .

  8. 使有古风给出一种古体特质或特征;使古老。

    To give an archaic quality or character to ; make archaic .

  9. 鄂尔多斯高原的第四纪古风成沙

    The Quaternary ancient eolian sands in the Ordos Plateau

  10. 古风时代希腊海外殖民与海上贸易研究

    Research into the Greek colonization and foreign trade in the age of antiquity

  11. 论风化壳相、古风化壳相矿床

    Discussions on the modern and ancient weathering crust deposits

  12. 腾格里沙漠东南缘晚第三纪古风成砂及其环境

    Late Tertiary Eolian Sand Accumulation and Its Environment in the Southeastern Marginal Tengger Desert

  13. 白云岩体表生成岩裸露期古风化壳岩溶的规模塔里木盆地早海西期多期次风化壳岩溶洞穴层

    Multiple Karst Cave Horizons in the Early Hercynian Weathering Crust in the Tarim Basin

  14. 这清楚地说明了古风时代希腊人是如何欣赏埃及艺术的。

    This clearly shown how ancient Greeks acquried Egyptian art during the Archaic era .

  15. 梅赫伦颇具古风的市中心最引人注目的它的中世纪风情。

    The spirit of medieval times might be noticed in historical center of Mechelen .

  16. 遵义铝土矿的古风化壳分带模式

    A Zonation Model for the Paleocrust of Weathering in Zunyi Bauxite Deposit of Guizhou

  17. 古风化壳是碳酸盐岩一个重要的储集层(体)类型

    Paleo weathering crust : an important reservoir ( body ) type of carbonate rocks

  18. 阿伦:上那边那家店子'古风茶肆'好吗?

    Alan : What about that place over there ," Ye Olde Tea Shoppe "?

  19. 第一部分描述了希腊古风时期的民事程序法。

    The first section describes the ancient Greek procedural law in the archaistic period .

  20. 保存着浓郁的古风。

    A strong local flavor is felt .

  21. 兰州地区晚更新世古风成砂的发现及环境变化

    The Discovery of Palaeo-eolian Sand and Environmental Changes of the Late Pleistocene in Lanzhou Area

  22. 四川盆地红层的古风化壳

    Ancient weathering crust in Sichuan Red Basin

  23. 在音乐方面,伯莎也培养了一种欣赏那些半著声名、半带古风的作品的兴趣。

    In music also Bertha developed a taste for the half-known , the half archaic .

  24. 你是说药铺吗正是真是古风古韵呢抱歉可能有点霉味

    You mean an apothecary ? Yeah.You don 't say.Sorry , if it 's musty .

  25. 潜山古风化壳并不是制约储层发育的唯一因素。

    Paleo weathered crust is not the unique factor to control the development of reservoirs .

  26. 古风时期希腊陆上战争的若干问题

    Issues of Archaic Greek Land War

  27. 今年夏天,中国重燃古风浪潮。

    This summer , China 's aflame with a surprising new wave of ancient China styles .

  28. 南海北部大陆架残留风成沙与海岸带古风成沙的对比及关系研究

    Comparison between Continental Shelf Aeolian Residues and Coastal Palaeo Aeolian Sediments in Northern South China Sea

  29. 矿区古风化壳属性与缩小防水煤柱机理

    The general rules of fossil weathered residuum in mining area and mechanism of cutting waterproof coal pillar

  30. 魏晋古风系列竹棉交织新产品的设计

    Design of new-products called " Wei and Jin ancientry " by interlacing with bamboo and cotton yarns