
  1. 帕玛拉特(Parmalat)的牛奶和乳酪也许很新鲜,但在投资者看来,它的账目却正在变味。

    Parmalat 's milk and cheeses might be fresh but its accounts are looking increasingly sour for investors .

  2. 这一次,意大利立法者对于法国人试图购买黄油的举动(以收购奶制品巨擘帕玛拉特(parmalat)的形式)感到不满。

    Italian lawmakers are upset with the French this time , for trying to buy some butter ( in the form of dairy giant Parmalat ) .

  3. 近期,珠宝商宝格丽(bulgari)、能源集团edison以及食品集团帕玛拉特(parmalat)被法国企业全部或部分收购,意大利因此出现了针对法国收购意大利公司的民粹主义反弹。

    The move comes amid a populist backlash against French buy-outs of Italian companies after jeweller Bulgari , energy group Edison and food group Parmalat were wholly or partially taken over by French companies in recent days .

  4. 德尔索尔达托先生过去曾是福斯托•通纳(FaustoTonna)的得力助手。通纳先生在帕玛拉特长期担任首席财务官,打造了该公司复杂的资产负债表,且经常怠慢分析师。

    Mr Del Soldato had been the right hand man to Fausto Tonna , the long-time CFO who built up the complex balance sheet and regularly snubbed analysts .

  5. 德勤还表示,帕玛拉特已把1.35亿美元计入公司上半年的一次性收益,相当于公司上半年的净利润。这笔收益来自与上述鲜为人知基金的一项货币掉期,该基金被称作Epicurum。

    Deloitte also said Parmalat had booked m in first-half one-time gains , the equivalent of its first-half net profit , from a currency swap contract with the same obscure fund , called Epicurum .

  6. 而在过去一周内,市场对帕玛拉特本来脆弱的信心动摇了。

    During the past week , that fragile confidence has been shattered .

  7. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)立即威胁说,要把帕玛拉特的债务级别降至“垃圾”级。

    Standard & Poor 's immediately threatened to cut Parmalat 's debt to junk status .

  8. 首先,帕玛拉特宣布,公司仅上任8个月的首席财务官即将离职。

    Firstly , it announced that its chief financial officer of only eight months was leaving .

  9. 不过,帕玛拉特所拥有似乎很机敏的能力,可以通过收购快速提高利润和收入,才打消市场疑虑。

    Only Parmalat 's seemingly astute ability to rapidly grow earnings and revenues with acquisitions had placated those concerns .

  10. 德尔索尔达托先生的确重申,帕玛拉特与坦济家族旗下运营失败的旅行社之间没有财务关联。

    Mr Del Soldato did reiterate that Parmalat had no financial connections with the Tanzi family 's failing tourism group .

  11. 安然、世通、泰科以及现今的帕玛拉特丑闻震惊了工商界,并推动了新法规条例的出台。

    Scandals at Enron , WorldCom , Tyco and now Parmalat have shaken the business world and prompted new laws and regulations .

  12. 花旗曾是安然、世通、阿德菲亚和帕玛拉特等丑闻公司的主要表内和表外融资提供者。

    It had been a prominent provider of finance , on-and off-balance sheet , to Enron , WorldCom , Adelphia and Parmalat , among others .

  13. 因此,很难说为“修复”安然或帕玛拉特危机而仓促通过一系列法律是否是个好主意。

    It is , therefore , far from clear that laws passed hurriedly to " fix " an Enron or a Parmalat crisis are a good idea .

  14. 上周五,帕玛拉特承诺,将在两周内从上述基金中撤资,从而初步缓解市场对公司流动性危机的担忧。但接着,该公司再次令市场吃惊。

    On Friday , after initially easing fears of a liquidity crunch by promising to pull out of the fund within two weeks , Parmalat stunned the stock market again .