
  1. 不论你是要进行一场一对一的交谈还是在400人面前做场演讲,都要想着“讲故事”这件事。

    Whether you 've got a one-on-one talk or a speech in front of 400 people , think " storytelling . "

  2. 几位法国哑剧表演艺术家将在今天下午做几场讲座。

    Several French mime artists will give some lectures this afternoon .

  3. 下周,他又要在ABC电视台的黄金时间做一场两个小时的市政厅演讲。

    Next week , he 's doing a two-hour , primetime town hall here on ABC .

  4. 而做一场TED演讲,带来了一系列我能解决的全新问题。

    And something like giving a TED talk presents this whole new set of problems that I can solve .

  5. 在Corleone中学为幸运的孩子们做了场即兴演出

    who did an impromptu concert today for the lucky kids at Corleone Junior High .

  6. 他究竟是醒着呢,还是在做一场梦?

    Was he awake , or was it but a dream ?

  7. 我被迫做一场饭后演讲。

    I 've been dragooned into giving the after-dinner speech .

  8. “他正做一场夸张的表演,”安德森解释说。

    " He 's putting on a flashy show ," anderson explains .

  9. 按照计划今天下午她将要做一场插花艺术的报告。

    She is scheduled to give a speech on flower arranging this afternoon .

  10. 他们要在这做停车场干嘛?

    Why do they need a parking lot here ?

  11. 你被邀请为我们做一场演讲。

    You are requested to give us a speech .

  12. 我计划做一场秀来吸引更多顾客光临我们店。

    I 'm planning a publicity stunt to get our store more business .

  13. 第二天,他还在俄亥俄州做一场关于信仰的演讲。

    And the next day , he gave a speech in Ohio about faith .

  14. 他准备做一场艰苦的战斗。

    He girded for a rough fight .

  15. 【布希总统在哈佛大学做了场演讲。】

    President Bush lectured at Harvard University .

  16. 使物体做为场的来源。

    Use selected as source of field .

  17. 其中一位叫做蒂娜的美国学生将做一场关于美国的教育和生活方式的报告。

    One American student named Tina will give a talk on education and lifestyles in the U.S.

  18. 今天下午,一位重要的人物将给学生们做一场有关当前国际形势的报告。

    Someone important will give the students a lecture on the current international situation this afternoon .

  19. 这些正是碳纳米管做为场发射冷阴极材料优于其它材料的地方。

    This is why Carbon nanotubes as Cathode Field Emission materials are more advantageous than other materials .

  20. 到了快离开时,他决计用主教的仪式做一场大弥撒。

    When the time of his departure approached , he resolved to chant a te Deum pontifically .

  21. 我担心以他的健康状况可能无法做一场完整的演出。

    I was worried that he might not be able to do a full show in his condition .

  22. 后来有一天,在做一场45分钟的演讲时,她担心的真的发生了——她忘记了自己接下来要说些什么。

    Then one day during a 45-minute speech , it happened - she forgot what she was going to say .

  23. 如果他是在做一场星际旅行,那么无论在太阳系的任何地方他都是最好的足球运动员。

    If he was in Star Trek , he 'd be the best player in whatever solar system he was in .

  24. 马斯金教授还记得10年前纳什在一个挤满听众的礼堂做一场极具理论性的演讲前的情形。

    Prof Maskin remembers how a decade ago , Nash was about to give a highly technical talk to a packed auditorium .

  25. 所有大鼠均做开阔场实验、转棒实验和水迷宫实验,主要反应大鼠认知能力、运动活力和运动协调能力。

    Then all rats finished three tests , including Open Field Test , Rotarod and Maze experiment , mainly reflecting cognition ability , sport vitality and sport coordinate ability .

  26. 如果你要做一场大的陈述的话,或者需要在开会前找个地方开展团队工作,这时会议室就很有作用了。

    If you need to prepare for a large presentation , or just need a place for a team to work before a meeting , a conference room can be helpful .

  27. 我们将试做盲降进入,如不成功,我们将选择上海做备降场。

    We 'll make a trial ( try ) on ILS approach , if we can 't make it , we 'll take SHA as alternate ( we will divert to SHA ) .

  28. 就像我从一开始说的,我们不只是在做一场选举,我们举行了一场不可思议、伟大的运动,这是上百万努力工作、热爱国家的男性女性们为了拥有一个更好、更光明的未来和家庭而一起构成的。

    As I 've said from the beginning , ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement , made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better , brighter future for themselves and for theirfamily .

  29. 今年五月,在大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会上,汤姆•希德勒斯顿就展现了他的男性魅力,那时他和斯威夫特做了场即兴表演,《每日电讯报》的舞蹈评论者说这“可能是我见过的最精彩的舞蹈”。

    The thinking woman 's Daniel Craig put on a show of manly pizzazz at the Met Ball in May , when he and Swift embarked upon an impromptu performance of what The Telegraph 's dance critic called " possibly the extraordinary dance I 've every seen . "

  30. 就像是做了一场噩梦。

    It 's been like living through a nightmare .