
  • 网络patterson;Paterson;Patrick Patterson;David Patterson
  1. 在日趋绝望的要求政府救助的游说声中,纽约州州长大卫•帕特森(DavidPaterson)表示,这家陷入困境的保险公司只有一天时间来解决问题。

    Amid increasingly desperate lobbying for government help , David Paterson , New York 's governor , said the beleaguered insurer had one day to solve its problems .

  2. 在一开始扬言将向sfo报告情况之后,帕特森于2010年底被调到gpt的另一个岗位上。

    After initially threatening to take the case to the SFO , in late 2010 Mr Paterson instead transferred to another role within GPT .

  3. 帕特森先生被直接问到他是否会辞职。

    Mr Patterson was asked point blank if he would resign .

  4. 帕特森径直走到酒柜前,取出一瓶苏格兰威士忌。

    Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch

  5. 帕特森指着长木桌下的一个普通的纸板箱。

    Patterson pointed toward a plain cardboard box beneath a long wooden table .

  6. 帕特森研究了高档百货商店里最畅销的男士内衣,分析其用料与设计,随后发现了超细莫代尔(micromodal)的优点。

    After researching fabrics and designs of the bestselling undershirts at high-end department stores , Patterson came across micro modal .

  7. 以上就是夏洛特J。帕特森在最近的迎新致辞中的开场白。

    In this way Charlotte J.Patterson recently began her welcoming speech to arriving freshmen .

  8. 由于试穿者反馈颇为积极,帕特森与女朋友一起搬到了圣地亚哥,选定一家制造商,并创立了TommyJohn公司。

    With positive reviews in hand , Patterson moved to San Diego with his girlfriend , locked down a manufacturer , and founded Tommy John .

  9. 他的职位将由纽约副州长戴维帕特森(davidpaterson)接替,帕特森将成为纽约州首位非洲裔州长。

    He will be succeeded by David Paterson , lieutenant governor , who will become the first African-American governor of New York state .

  10. Cuil公司创始人包括一对夫妻组合:汤姆•卡斯特罗(TomCostello)和安娜•帕特森(AnnaPatterson),分别担任首席执行官和总裁。

    The company founders include a husband-and-wife team , Tom Costello and Anna Patterson , as chief executive and president .

  11. 帕特森还对送给沙特王室及军方的四辆总价20.1万英镑的汽车以及向沙特国民卫队(SaudiNationalGuard)某将军名下别墅支付的27.8万英镑租金提出质疑。

    Mr Paterson also queried the gift of four cars valued at 201,000 to members of the Saudi royal family and military – as well as a 278,000 payment for the rental of a villa owned by a Saudi National Guard general .

  12. 加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)常被记者提及的狮子般的外形并没有阻碍他升至英国电信(BT)的最高职位。

    Gavin Patterson 's leonine appearance - regularly referenced by reporters - has not hindered his rise to the top of BT , the UK telecoms group .

  13. 帕特森在2010年以前就已向EADS首席合规官佩德罗•蒙托亚(PedroMontoya)发出过警告,但感到自己仍被忽略。

    By 2010 Mr Paterson had alerted Pedro Montoya , EADS 's chief compliance officer , but felt he was still being ignored .

  14. 英国电信(BT)首席执行官加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)表示,企业领导人的职能之一是以前所未有的警觉审视地平线。

    Gavin Patterson , chief executive of BT , the British telecoms group , says one of the functions of corporate leaders is to scan the horizon as never before .

  15. 我们可以在Trenton发展完善,这套模型,然后再进一步推广,到新泽西州其他食物匮乏地区,像帕特森,纽尔克以及坎姆顿。

    It 's a model that we can develop and perfect in Trenton and then scale up to other inner city food desert in New Jersey such as Patterson , Newark and Campton .

  16. 自由球员前锋帕特森同意以3年1640万加盟雷霆,联盟向ESPN透露,合同包括第三年的球员选项。

    Free agent forward Patrick Patterson has agreed to a three-year , $ 16.4M deal with the Oklahoma City Thunder , league sources tell ESPN . Deal includes player option on the third year , league sources tell ESPN .

  17. 他于周三早晨抵达到达赖特.帕特森空军基地。

    He arrived at Wright Patterson Air Base early Wednesday morning .

  18. 你不会后悔的帕特森太太

    You will not regret this decision , Mrs. Patterson .

  19. 在激烈的自由市场,帕特森获得了一个不错的起点。

    Patterson gets a starting job on contender in a tough marketplace .

  20. 前一分钟,科林帕特森正在看电视。

    One minute , Colin Patterson was watching TV .

  21. 及时的劝告本来可以挽救帕特森不干蠢事。

    A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly .

  22. 帕特森一家不想买了

    The Pattersons wanna back out of the deal .

  23. 帕特森是希拉·福特的儿子唯一认识的圣诞老人。

    Patterson is the only Santa that Sheila Ford 's son has ever known .

  24. 我真的想和你谈谈帕特森夫人

    So , I 'd really like to talk to you , Mrs. Patterson ,

  25. 比尔•帕特森则扮演她感情不外露的父亲,奥莉薇娅•柯尔曼饰演她心有不忿却身处被动的母亲。

    Bill Paterson plays her emotionally withdrawn father , Olivia Colman her passive-aggressive mother .

  26. 我喜欢父母们,而且他们也喜欢我,”帕特森说道。

    And I enjoy the parents and they enjoy me , " said Patterson .

  27. 到目前为止,奥哈拉,特别是诺拉,是帕特森笔下最复杂人物中的两个代表。

    O'Hara and particularly Nora stand as two of Patterson 's most complex characters yet .

  28. 而且帕特森上将的八艘战舰组成的战斗群正在断层空间中等待着。

    And waiting for their recon data in slipspace was pattersons battle group of eight ships .

  29. 我们要关注的“神秘男士”应该是帕特森

    Okay , well , the " mystery dude " we should be focusing on is Patterson .

  30. 只有少数满脸不相信的观众观看了排名世界第23位的帕特森击败世界冠军。

    Only a few incredulous spectators watched paterson , ranked23rd in the world , beat the champion .