
  • 网络American Dental Association;Ada
  1. 在几种主要非处方漱口水中,只有利斯德获得美国牙医协会认可。

    Of all leading non-prescription mouthwashes , Listerine antiseptic is the only one accepted by the American Dental association .

  2. 一位来自反对汞合金用于牙科团体的代理人称新规定的通过是令人愤慨的,与此同时,美国牙医协会拥护这项决定。

    A representative from an organization that opposes mercury fillings called the new ruling " an outrage ," while the American Dental Association issued a statement agreeing with the decision .

  3. 球粉汞齐的性能,诸如固化过程中的尺寸变化,压缩强度,流变及蠕变等均达到美国牙医协会技术指标。

    The properties of the amalgams of spherical powders , such as dimension change during hardening , compressive strength , flow and creep meet the specification No.