
  • 网络ACS;the American Cancer Society;NCI
  1. 不幸的是,在美国癌症协会以外这些指导方针被频繁的误解和误传。

    Unfortunately , these guidelines are frequently misstated or misinterpreted outside of the ACS .

  2. 想要了解更多有关癌症的征兆,请给美国癌症协会本地分会打电话。

    To find out more about cancer warning signs call your local chapter of the American Cancer Society .

  3. 获胜的团队得到了1000美元捐款,并将其捐给了美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)。

    The winning team received a $ 1,000 donation , which it gave to the American Cancer Society .

  4. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)的数据显示,前列腺癌是除皮肤癌之外,美国男性最常患的癌症。

    Other than skin cancer , prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men , according to the American Cancer Society .

  5. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)预计,2015年新发前列腺癌病例可达220800例,病死27540例。

    About 220800 new cases of prostate cancer are expected in 2015 , along with 27540 deaths , according to the American Cancer Society .

  6. 根据美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)的最新数据统计,在美国,一个男性一生中患癌症的风险是42%,女性是38%。

    In the US , the lifetime risk of developing cancer is 42 % in men and 38 % in women , according to the American Cancer Society .

  7. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)的数据显示,美国有不少州的肺癌死亡率比河北更高,但与河北和中国其他一些省份相反的是,美国的肺癌死亡率呈下降趋势。

    Lung cancer death rates in many American states are higher , but , in contrast to Hebei and other Chinese provinces , are on the decline , according to figures from the American Cancer Society .

  8. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)开展的一项研究发现,根治性前列腺切除手术的完成次数在过去10年里出现了“显著增长”,还有患者专程从外地远途赶来找机器人做手术。

    A study conducted by the American Cancer Society found that the number of radical prostatectomies has " risen substantially " in the past decade , and patients travel great distances to be operated on with a robot .

  9. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)报告的数据更不乐观。该协会表示,大约20%的人在诊断后存活至少一年,但只有不到5%的人能够存活长达五年。

    The American Cancer Society reports less optimistic data : it says about 20 per cent of people survive for at least a year after diagnosis but fewer than 5 per cent survive as long as five years .

  10. 尽管绝大多数女性都是直到40多岁才开始每年进行乳房X光摄影检测,美国癌症协会仍然建议:那些直系亲属中有乳腺癌病史的女性应该尽早做该检查。

    While the majority of women don 't have to start going for annual mammograms until their 40s , the ACA also recommends early mammogram screening for women with a first-degree relative who has had breast cancer .

  11. 美国癌症协会建议50岁以上的男性每年都要做PSA血液检查和数字式直肠检查。

    The American Cancer Society recommends that men age50 and older have an annual PSA blood test as well as a digital rectal exam , another test that can detect prostate cancer .

  12. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)2010年的一项研究发现,每天坐的时间超过6小时的妇女,其过早死亡的概率比坐的时间不到3小时的妇女高出37%,而男性这一概率则高出18%。

    A 2010 study by the American Cancer Society found that women who sat more than six hours a day were 37 % more likely to die prematurely than women who sat for less than three hours , while the early-death rate for men was 18 % higher .

  13. 另外一份报告的第一作者是美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)的图恩(MichaelJ.Thun)。他利用了该协会的大规模癌症预防研究和其他有关吸烟方面的研究,重点关注年龄在跟进期达到55岁及以上的人。

    The other report , headed by Michael J. Thun of the American Cancer Society , used data from that organization 's large cancer-prevention studies and other studies of smoking information , with a focus on people who had reached age 55 or older during the follow-up period .

  14. 美国癌症协会(ACS)家庭医学主任YoungmeeKim博士说,当癌症亲属在首次治疗和临终时,护理者是最辛苦的。

    Cancer caregiving is most intense when a patient is first being treated and at the end of life , said Youngmee Kim , PhD , Director of Family Studies at the American Cancer Society ( ACS ) .

  15. 他是美国癌症协会的积极分子。

    He is an active member of the American Cancer society .

  16. 美国癌症协会说吸烟没有安全的方式。

    The American Cancer Society says there is no safe way to smoke .

  17. 皮肤科医生的美国癌症协会强烈推荐全年每天使用防晒产品。

    Dermatologists and the American Cancer Society urge the use of sunscreen everyday and year-round .

  18. 美国癌症协会与妇科肿瘤学家们也参与其中。

    The American Cancer Society and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists [ on Collagists ] also were involved .

  19. 美国癌症协会表示,他们将继续建议40岁以上女性每年进行乳房X线照片检测。

    The American Cancer Society says it will continue to advise women forty and older to have yearly mammograms .

  20. 根据美国癌症协会的报道,乳腺癌是全球女性癌症死亡的最主要原因。

    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide , according to the American Cancer Society .

  21. 她和美国癌症协会的其他志愿者们在一家披萨饼餐馆里讨论着一次即将到来的慈善活动。

    She is sitting at a pizza parlor with other American Cancer Society volunteers , chatting about an upcoming charity event .

  22. 大型制药公司正在与美国癌症协会合作,以大幅折扣价为非洲患者提供抗癌药物。

    Major pharmaceutical companies , working with the American Cancer Society , will steeply discount cancer drugs for patients in African countries .

  23. 在另外一份新的报告中,美国癌症协会表示,在所有造成死亡的原因中,癌症的经济成本最高。

    In another new report , the American Cancer Society says cancer has the highest economic cost of any cause of death .

  24. 由世界肺部基金会和美国癌症协会发表的《烟草地图》,对关于烟草的广泛研究进行了描述。

    Published by the World Lung Foundation and the American Cancer Society , the Atlas portrays a comprehensive volume of research on tobacco .

  25. 这些信息代表在美国癌症协会癌症信息数据编辑部工作的医务人员的观点。

    This information represents the views of the doctors and nurses serving on the American Cancer Society 's Cancer Information Database Editorial Board .

  26. 据美国癌症协会估计,在2000年美国肺癌死亡率占癌症死亡总数的30%左右。

    In 2000 , the death rate of lung cancer was about 30 % among all cancers estimated by the American Cancer Association .

  27. 在如美国癌症协会等非盈利性组织中如何制定计划?它与在如可口可乐公司等盈利性组织的计划有何不同?

    How might planning in a not-for-profit organization such as the American Cancer Sociaty differ from planning in a for-profit organization such as Coca-Cola ?

  28. 去年,我们为美国癌症协会募集了2000美元,这些钱用于为患有癌症的孩子们举办一次露营活动。

    Last year , we raised $ 2,000 for the American Cancer Society and all of it went to a camp for children who have cancer .

  29. 据美国癌症协会报道,每三年,年龄介于20多岁和30多岁的女性都应该检查一次乳腺。

    According to the American Cancer Society , women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam ( CBE ) every three years .

  30. 根据美国癌症协会提供的资料,黑素瘤是皮肤癌中最致命的一种。相关人员表示,今年将会有60000多个病例确诊。

    Melanoma is the most deadly of skin cancers according to the American Cancer Society which says over 60000 new cases will be diagnosed this year .