
  • 网络beautiful princess;La Bella Principessa
  1. 有一次,国王为美丽的公主开宴会。

    Once a king gave a feast * For his beautiful princess .

  2. 梦想着成为美丽的公主是大多数小女孩的美梦。

    Dreaming to be a beautiful princess is rather usual for little girls .

  3. 《美丽的公主》及其作者鉴定的故事始于1998年1月,纽约艺术品交易商凯特·冈兹(KateGanz)以21850美元(含交易费)的价格,从纽约佳士得买来了这幅身穿意大利文艺复兴时期服饰的年轻贵族女子的半身侧面像。

    The story of " La Bella Principessa " and its attribution started in January 1998 , when Kate Ganz , an art dealer in New York , bought a hea · or $ 21850 with fees at Christie 's in New York .

  4. 她就像我一样是个美丽的公主。

    She 's as much a fairy princess as I am .

  5. 我将变成一美丽的公主,作你想的任何事情。

    I will turn into a beautiful princess and do anything you ask .

  6. 在他们眼中,我是最美丽的公主在世界上。

    In their eyes I am the most beautiful princess in the world .

  7. 野兽看见美丽的公主就跟上去。

    Anywild animal seeing a lovely princess would follow .

  8. 如今他把《美丽的公主》也加入了这个名单。

    Now he has added " La Bella Principessa " to the list .

  9. 哦,麦琪,你才不是美丽的公主呢。

    Oh Maggie you 're not a beautiful princess .

  10. 还活着!他回答:美丽的公主怎么样了?

    ' Alive , 'he replied . 'How 's the pretty Princess ? '

  11. 1982年骄傲的祖母桃乐西戈德史密斯在照相机前展示了美丽的公主。

    Proud grandmother Dorothy Goldsmith presents her pretty princess to the cameras in1982 .

  12. 怎么办,美丽的公主就要亲吻我了。

    What should I do , the pretty princess is going to kiss me .

  13. 国王有七个女儿,这七位美丽的公主是国王的骄傲。

    King has seven daughters , these seven beautiful princesses are king 's pride .

  14. 从前,有一位非常美丽的公主。

    Once upon a time , there lived a princess who was very beautiful .

  15. 你跟那位美丽的公主结婚吧!

    You get married with that beautiful princess !

  16. 从前,有一位美丽的公主。

    once upon a time Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess .

  17. 勇敢的王子终于战胜了恶魔,救出了美丽的公主。

    The prince conquered the devil in the end and rescued the beautiful princess .

  18. 因为你就是个美丽的公主。

    Because you 're a fairy princess .

  19. 从前,在一个很远的地方,住着一位美丽的公主。

    Once upon a time , in a faraway land , lived to beautiful princess .

  20. 我本来可以娶一个美丽的公主,她也愿意嫁给我。

    I could 've married a king 's daughter fair and she would 've married me .

  21. 所有的贵族青年都希望有幸能和美丽的公主共舞。

    All the young noblemen wanted to have the honor of dancing with the lovely princess .

  22. 之后,士兵娶了美丽的公主,多年来过着幸福快乐的日子。

    Then the soldier married the lovely princess , and they lived happily for many years .

  23. 美丽的公主,勇敢的王子还有威武的骑士。所有的人都美丽并且孤独。

    The beautiful princes , brave prince and martial chevalier , all of them are beautiful and alone .

  24. 你就是那位人人都夸她的世上最美丽的公主吗?

    " Are you the King 's daughter , whose beauty the whole world praises ?" cried he .

  25. 就像在童话故事里讲的,当亲吻青蛙时,它就会变成一个美丽的公主。

    Like in a fairy tale and when you kiss the frog it changes into a beautiful princess .

  26. 艺术界权威尚未彻底认可《美丽的公主》是列奥纳多的真迹。

    As a Leonardo , " La Bella Principessa " has yet to win over the art establishment .

  27. 安徒生很喜欢同萨拉一起玩,还常常幻想自己是贵族,萨拉是美丽的公主。

    Andersen liked playing with Sara and he often dreamed he was a noble and Sara a princess .

  28. 我们手中操纵的他都希望最终走进城堡与美丽的公主对话。

    Our hands to manipulate the hope that he eventually went into the castle with the beautiful Princess dialogue .

  29. 士兵又想再看看美丽的公主,于是他又叫狗儿去把公主带来。

    The soldier wanted to see the lovely princess again , so he sent the dog to bring her .

  30. 很久以前,有三位年轻而美丽的公主,最小的那个最可爱。

    Once upon a time there were three young and beautiful princesses , but the youngest was the most loveable .