
  • 网络Magic novels
  1. 据报道,占地20英亩的哈利波特公园建造耗资达2.5亿美元,园内再现了霍格沃茨魔法学校和作者J?K?罗琳在这部魔幻小说中构想的其他场景。

    The 20-acre Harry Potter park reportedly cost $ 250 million to build and recreates the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and other places dreamed up by author J.K. Rowling in her fantasy novels about the boy wizard and his friends .

  2. 他还增加了很多类似于大名鼎鼎的魔幻小说《哈利波特》之类的情节描写。

    He added that recent big name fiction like Harry Potter had bolstered interest in fantasy books .

  3. 科幻小说通常不被认为是严肃的文学形式,在文学批评领域中往往和魔幻小说、侦探小说、惊险小说归为一类。

    Science fiction is not given the status as serious literary form and is classified as fantasy 、 detective and horror novels .

  4. 在创作并出版了自己的第一部英文魔幻小说《罗瑞尼亚奇遇记》之后,一名15岁的作家在社交媒体用户当中引发了轰动。

    A 15-year-old writer has blown minds among social media users after she wrote and published her first magic novel , The Vampire of Lorania , in English .

  5. 《哈利.波特》是英国女作家罗琳女士所作的一系列共七本魔幻小说,虚构的角色但其语言包含了丰富的幽默表达。

    Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling , which contains a plenty of humorous language expressions and fictional characters .

  6. 小说前者以魔幻小说的表现方式,而后者以“微型对话”的方式,分别建构了与白人和黑人、美国历史和文化之间的“对话”关系。

    The magic subtext and the surface text embedded in " micro-dialogues " respectively establish the dialogic relationships among American white and black people and between American history and culture .

  7. 作者对传统魔幻小说的创新不仅仅不在于题材和语言革新,更多的是在于对真实情感的回归,对文学多元性的吸收和应用。

    The author makes innovation into the traditional magical novel , not only language and subject , but also the return of real emotion , the diversity of literature absorption and application .

  8. 电视剧根据魔幻传奇小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)五部曲改编,小说作者乔治•马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)已经创造了一些单词。

    George RR Martin , author of the five volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire , the fantasy saga on which the TV series is based , had created some words already .

  9. 但这既不准确又不公平,戈德布拉特说,他指出莫言是在他开始写传统魔幻现实小说之后才阅读拉丁美洲作家的,其中包括加西亚.马尔克斯。

    That is neither accurate nor fair , though , said Goldblatt , who noted that Mo started writing his trademark fantastical novels before reading Latin American authors , including Gabriel Garcia-Marquez .

  10. 正如前面所言,逃避现实者具有惊人的想象创造力,很有可能创作出伟大的魔幻科幻小说作品。

    As mentioned in one of the previous signs , escapist are incredibly creative and they 're responsible for creating the greatest works of fiction , especially in the fantasy and sci-fi genre .

  11. 第四章魔幻化讽刺小说语汇的功用。

    Focuses on the functions of vocabulary in magic satires .

  12. 魔幻题材的小说常常遭到不公的非议。

    Fantasy as a genre is often unfairly maligned .

  13. 这故事本该像完全出自加布里埃尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的一部魔幻现实主义小说。

    The story could have come straight out of one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez ′ s novels of magical realism .

  14. 魔幻现实主义小说的一个很明显的特征是充满了神奇魔幻的东西,有时让人觉得匪夷所思,可又无时无刻不提醒你,这有可能是真实存在过的。

    One of the obvious features in Magic Realism fictions is full of magic and fantasy , which sometimes makes people unbelievable but always reminds you of the truth .

  15. 其次,是域外文艺思潮的直接启迪,主要包括新儒学的影响以及拉美魔幻现实主义小说的启发。

    Next , is outside the territory the trend of literary and artistic thought direct inspiration , mainly includes " the new Confucianism " production and influence as well as Latin American evil spirit imaginary realism novel inspiration .

  16. 西方传统文化土壤上的一朵魔幻之花&小说《哈利·波特》的文化背景解读

    A Magic Flower in the Traditional Culture & On the Cultural Background of the Harry Potter Series

  17. 本文从魔幻现实主义的产生、影响和发展入手,以人物塑造、叙事特征和写作技巧为切入点,全面分析了托妮·莫里森的魔幻现实主义小说艺术。

    Beginning with the birth of magic realism , and its influence and development , this thesis focuses on analyzing wholly novel artistry , narrative characteristics and writing techniques in Toni Morrison 's novels .