
  • 网络organic view of nature
  1. 活动教学的历史渊源是卢梭及在其儿童观和有机自然观的启发与激励下的理论和实践探索;

    Activity teaching originates from LU Suo and the theories and practice of Child view and organic nature view .

  2. 英国浪漫主义诗人的有机自然观深受18世纪博物学理论的影响。

    The English romantic poets ' understanding and personification of nature is deeply subject to the influence of the scientific theories of the " romantic natural history " during the 18th century .

  3. 要解决人与自然关系的矛盾,必须树立以人为本的有机自然观。以人为本包含3个原则:合理性原则、公平性原则和创造性原则。

    To resolve the contradiction between nature and human-being , we must acquire an organic people oriented outlook , which contains three principles : rational principle , just principle and creative principle .

  4. 有机论自然观的生态伦理学意蕴

    The connotation of ecological ethics of outlook on nature in organic theory

  5. 西方有机论自然观与生态伦理思想的契合与相异

    On Agreement and Difference Between Western Organism and Eco-ethics

  6. 换而言之,有机论自然观具有与生态伦理思想相契合的某些资质。

    In other words , there is agreement between the organic natural view and thoughts of eco-ethics .

  7. 或许,我们可以把有机论自然观作为通往生态伦理的哲学基础之一。

    Perhaps , we may view the organic natural views as part of ( philosophic ) foundations of eco-ethics .

  8. 朱熹是李约瑟用以说明道家有机论自然观对中国科学技术有促进作用的三个典型之一。

    Zhuxi is one of the typical examples what Needham sued explaining that Taoism 's organic nature theory is the stimulates of the ancient Chinese science and technology .

  9. 西方思想史表明,一方面,我们必须认识到,从古至今的有机论自然观,其许多原则或者是通向生态伦理的一个主要桥梁,或者是通过现代性的转换成为生态伦理的构成因子。

    The development history of western thoughts indicates that , on one hand , we must realize that many ( principles ) of organic natural view are the main bridge to eco-ethics or the main factors of eco-ethics after the modern transformation .

  10. 中国传统天人合一生态自然观从整体论的原则出发,提供了人与自然和谐共生的理论视角,蕴含了与现代生态伦理学相吻合的有机论自然观。

    Also , this view contains the organic nature view , which is consistent with modern zoology ethic theory , and it seeks for the value aim of harmonious symbiosis between nature and man , and provides the best cut-in point for China sustainable development of zoology ethic view .

  11. 可持续发展环境伦理观的提出是从生态危机和生存危机引发的忧患意识出发,对人类自然观和价值观的深刻反思和变革建立的一种新的有机整体的自然观和价值观。

    The proposition of sustainable development environment ethics survives from the ecological crisis the suffering consciousness that the crisis cause set out , improve one new organic natural view and values of whole that set up to mankind natural view and deep introspection of values .

  12. 论马克思有机论的实践自然观

    On Marx 's practical view of nature of organic theory

  13. 中国古代有机自然论的生态观

    The Organic Cosmology and Its Ecologic Concept of Ancient China

  14. 因此,马克思自然观是有机论的实践自然观。

    In conclusion , Marx 's view of nature is of organic theory .

  15. 第一章主要讲的是西方自然观的演进,主要论述了古代有机论的整体自然观、中世纪神学自然观和近代机械论的自然观的形成和内容,以及三种自然观是如何演进的。

    The first chapter is mainly about the evolution of Western view of nature : The ancient time organic overall conception of nature , Christianity theology conception of nature in the middle age , Metaphysics mechanism conception of nature in the modern times , and how these three concepts developed .

  16. 创建具有中国特色的有机论辩证唯物主义地学哲学,应该并必须从我国古代有机论自然观中吸取丰富的营养。

    To found an organic argument dialectical materialistic Earth science philosophy with Chinese character , we should and must draw rich nutrition from Chinese ancient organic natural point of view .