
  1. 目的何在,却无从知道,尽管有时自以为对此若有所感。

    for what purpose be knows not , though he sometimes thinks he senses it .

  2. 心有所感的他决定写下这段经历的点点滴滴。

    So touched was he by the experience he decided to write a book about it .

  3. 责任包括赔偿责任,归咎、问责制,这是威胁到深有所感。

    Responsibility includes liability , blame , and accountability , that is a deep threat to the emotions .

  4. 在目前转折关头,我产生这些想法确实是深有所感而不能自己。

    These reflections , arising out of the present crisis , have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed .

  5. 通过对这些教学案例的分析能使教师逐渐进入案例人物的状态,从中有所感、有所悟。

    Through the analysis of the case teaching in these cases can make teachers gradually into the character , learned , have feelings .

  6. 在目前转折关头,我产生这些想法确实是深有所感而不能自已。我相信大家会和我怀有同感,即除了仰仗上帝的力量,一个新生的自由政府别无他法能一开始就事事顺利。

    You will join with me , I trust , in thinking that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free government can more auspiciously commence .

  7. 他们对他们买的东西是否物有所值感兴趣。

    They are interested in whether they are getting solid value for their dollars .

  8. 开始先完成一些简单的“鸟儿”让你感觉的有所成就感,然后努力应对一只艰难的“鸟儿”来给你注入动力,同时减少你的压力程度。

    Bird by bird , starting with a bunch of easy birds to help you feel accomplished and then tackling a hard one to gain serious traction and reduce your stress level .

  9. 结果发现,那些专心洗碗的人具有更强的专注力,积极情绪的因素(如灵感)有所增加,紧张感降低和洗碗用时被高估。

    Those who performed mindful dishwashing were found to have achieved ' greater state mindfulness , increases in elements of positive affect , eg inspiration , decreases in nervousness and over-estimations of dishwashing time ' .