
yǒu xiàn hé huǒ rén
  • limited partner
  1. 他还称,自己已经成为基准投资公司(BenchmarkCapital)与风险投资公司SoftTechVC旗下风投基金的有限合伙人。

    He also said that he had become a limited partner in VC funds managed by benchmark capital and softtechvc .

  2. 例如,去年末,总部位于纽约的家族机构KierGlobal开始分发对冲基金有限合伙人原则声明,目的是让私人投资者就流动性和收费方面的规定达成共识。

    Late last year , for example , Kier Global , a family office based in New York , began circulating a hedge fund LP [ limited partner ] statement of principles in an effort to forge a consensus among private investors on liquidity and fee provisions .

  3. 我曾经是机构有限合伙人&通用汽车(GeneralMotors)退休基金的一名分析师。

    I had been an analyst at an institutional LP & working for the General Motors pension fund .

  4. 第一个趋势是,有限合伙人(LP)越来越多地开始围绕品牌风投公司整合自己的投资资产。

    The first trend is that LPS increasingly are consolidating their positions around the branded venture capital firms .

  5. 该基金的其他有限合伙人包括知名的凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkins)、格雷洛克风险投资公司(Greylock)和红杉资本投资公司(SequoiaCapital)。

    Others will include VC firms like Kleiner Perkins , Greylock and Sequoia Capital .

  6. 它七年前就已投资Facebook,所用资金原本是要到2014年底全部返还给有限合伙人的。

    Accel , by contrast , first invested seven years ago out of a fund that is expected to return all capital to limited partners by the end of 2014 .

  7. 最近,与迈克尔•戴尔合作的私募股权公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)在监管文件中披露,它的一些有限合伙人总计将跟投3.50亿美元。

    Silver Lake partners , the private equity firm working with Michael Dell , has disclosed in a regulatory filing that some of its limited partners are making an aggregate co-investment of $ 350 million .

  8. 他补充表示:资产估值已经重新回到了有吸引力的水平,并且有限合伙人(LPs,私募基金的投资者)似乎愿意支持亚洲地区的潜在交易,因为该地区拥有相对强劲的增长前景。

    He adds : Asset valuations have returned to attractive levels and LPs [ investors in private equity funds ] appear willing to support potential deals in a region which boasts relatively strong growth prospects .

  9. 而不是把资金托付给它们,Almeida董事总经理理查德•萨查尔(RichardSachar)表示,有限合伙人比任何时候都更加努力地从其它地方寻找有吸引力的投资机会。

    Than commit capital , said Richard Sachar , managing director of Almeida . LPs are looking elsewhere harder than ever for attractive opportunities .

  10. 根据私人股本咨询公司almeidacapital对150个有限合伙人(其中包括保险公司和养老基金)所做的调查,逾一半投资者计划在2009年削减对大型收购集团的投资。

    More than half of investors plan to cut their investment in the biggest buy-out houses in 2009 , according to a survey of 150 limited partners ( LPS ) , including insurers and pension funds , by the private equity advisory boutique Almeida capital .

  11. 私募股权基金一般采取非公开发行的方式,向有风险辨别和承受能力的机构或个人募集(有限合伙人LP),交由专家组成的投资管理机构(一般合伙人GP)运作。

    PE raises from the individuals or institutions ( limited partners , LP ) which have the capacity of risk identification and bearing , then take the funds to the investment management sector ( General partner , GP ) which consists of experts for operation .

  12. 这没准儿就是CalPERS一直想要的公关壮举,因为这种交易一般都涉及低于市值且需遵守机构有限合伙人协会(ILPA)私募股权准则的费用结构(至少对于涉及私募股权的部分是这样的)。

    This could be the big PR splash CalPERS is looking for , given that such deals typically involve below-market , ilpa-compliant fee structures ( at least for the pe-specific portions ) .

  13. 我们已看到珀米拉(permira)向它的有限合伙人提供了减少投资的机会,但该案例有些特殊之处,并不适用于整个行业。

    We have already seen permira offer its limited partners the opportunity to reduce their commitments , albeit that in that situation there were peculiarities not true of the industry as a whole .

  14. 资讯服务机构prequin近期对100名有限合伙人的调查发现,他们预计未来五年全行业的总收益率在17%左右,仅下滑150个基点。

    A recent survey of 100 limited partners by prequin found that they expected gross returns across the industry to be about 17 per cent , or just 150 basis points lower , over the next five years .

  15. 有限合伙人及其身份识别法律制度研究

    Research on the Legal System of Limited Partner and Its Identification

  16. 寻求现有有限合伙人共同投资是一个选择。

    One option is to tap existing limited partners for co-investments .

  17. 有限合伙人不得成为执行事务合伙人。

    A limited partner shall not be a managing partner .

  18. 通常情况下,有限合伙人会向管理合伙人支付每年2%的管理费。

    Usually LPs pay the GPs an annual management fee of2 % .

  19. 解除养老、保险基金等的进入限制,壮大有限合伙人实力;

    Releasing the limitations of the entries of retirement pension and insurance pension ;

  20. 或者最近出现的为大型有限合伙人服务的定制管理账户。

    Or the recent advent of custom managed accounts for larger limited partners .

  21. 这使得普通合伙人和有限合伙人无法站在一条线上。

    This produces a lack of alignment between general partners and limited partners .

  22. 但如今已没有退出机会,有限合伙人已无法收回资金。

    But exits have stopped , so LPs are getting no money back .

  23. 分摊比例是有限合伙人占80%,一般合伙人占20%。

    The ratio is 80 per cent to LPS and 20 per cent to the GPS .

  24. 他们强制进行更广泛的资产配置,要求有限合伙人投资多只基金。

    They force a broader asset allocation into multiple fund vehicles in order to invest with that firm .

  25. 有限合伙人限制了,只要他们不参与管理企业债务承担个人责任。

    Limited partners have limited personal liability for business debts as long as they don 't participate in management .

  26. 我要传达的基本信息是:如今在有限合伙人/一般合伙人利益协调的问题上亟需创新。

    My basic message : now is the time to be creative when it comes to LP / GP alignment .

  27. 许多情况下,有限合伙人对这些基金承诺过高投资额是出于两个原因。

    The limited partners that committed to those funds are significantly over-extended , in many cases , for two reasons .

  28. 例如,越来越多的主权财富基金和个人投资者参与到了有限合伙人领域。

    The limited partner universe , for example , now includes much more participation from sovereign wealth funds and individual investors .

  29. 有限合伙人有时还可以通过直接“联合投资”安排,额外投资于某些交易。

    There may also be opportunities for LPS to invest additional capital in certain deals via direct " co-invest " arrangements .

  30. 有限合伙人不是法人,这意味着合伙人将透明纳税。

    A limited partnership is not a legal person . This means that partners will be taxed on a see-through basis .