
  • 网络economic territory
  1. 其它核心问题还有,治理方式、权力分配、经济、领土及安全、国籍和欧盟会籍等等。

    Other core issues include governance and power sharing , economy , territory and security , citizenship , and European Union membership .

  2. 在随后的半个世纪,美国军事力量在我们的半球出手展开了30余次不同的干预,谋求以有利于美国的方式解决经济或领土争端,或者驱逐我们认为不可接受的领导者。

    In the half century that followed , US military forces intervened in our hemisphere on more than 30 separate occasions to settle economic or territorial disputes on terms favourable to Americans , or oust leaders we judged unacceptable .

  3. 17世纪在欧洲史上可谓是一个危机时代,15、16世纪的繁荣烟消云灭,但它却蕴藏着转机,它标志城市经济向领土国家经济的过渡。

    The 17th century was an era of crisis in which the prosperity in the 15th and 16th century disappeared , but it gestated a favorable turn , and indicated a change from the urban economy to the national economy .

  4. 知识经济和“领土概念过时”论

    Knowledge Economy and the Fallacy that Territory Is an Out-dated Concept

  5. 这个时期也是美国两党制形成、对外经济扩张和领土扩张的重要时期。

    It was the period of the establishment of the two-party system and the key period of economic and territorial expansion of the country .

  6. 通过以上分析,本文得出以下结论:保持国内稳定、发展经济和维护领土的完整都是中国的国家根本利益,但这三者并不是并行不悖的。

    At last the author drew the following conclusions : to maintain stability , to develop economy and to keep unification are all China 's national fundamental interests , but they are not parallel .

  7. 韩日两国间货币互换协议规模扩大措施到期后日本可能不会再予以延长,此举算是日本对韩日之间岛屿主权之争出现激化的一个回应。这和日本历来奉行的经济事务和领土争端互不干扰的传统是相违背的。

    Japan may take steps to roll back an emergency financial lifeline with South Korea in response to a flare-up over contested islands , in what would be a departure from the neighbors ' tradition of keeping economic affairs separate from territorial disagreements .

  8. 德国官员指出,中国在乌克兰有巨大的经济利益,对领土争端相当敏感。

    Berlin officials note that China has large economic interests in Ukraine and is sensitive to territorial disputes .