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  1. 经台架进行动态和静态的全面测试后,就可以保证ECU实际装车的可靠性。

    Through the dynamic and static check of test stand , it ensures the reliability of ECU in real vehicle .

  2. 经台架试验和试飞验证,CK-1M双发助推的同步性良好。

    Both the tests on stand and in fight verify that the synchronism of the CK-1M pilotless aircraft with two boosters is good .

  3. 经台架试验的激光淬火凸轮轴的组织与性能分析

    Analysis of Camshaft by Laser Hardening after Running Test

  4. 经台架性能试验对比,该进气歧管效果良好,对提高发动机性能起到良好的作用。

    According to the compare test of the engine performance , the new intake manifold could increase the engine performance .

  5. 经台架试验和使用试验证明,油品具有较好的清净分散性、抗磨性和经济性,为航运系统降低运输成本提供了技术保证。

    Bench test and practical use show that this oil offers better cleansing dispersion , abrasion resistance and cost effectiveness , and is a technical support for shipping company to reduce transportation cost .

  6. 经台架试验证明,采用此项措施其油耗率可降低6~8%;道路试验表明,其等速百公里油耗可降低8~10%。

    The stand-experiment shows that the fuel consumption reduces by 6 ~ 8 % , The road testing indicates that the fuel comsumption decreases by 8-10 % for a car running at constant speed .

  7. 性能样机经台架试验,比原风机的性能有较大幅度的提高,效率达到86%,在国内同样风机中效率是较高的。

    The efficient locomotive use to ventilated machine of electrical engineering passed by . According to the test , the efficiency is up to 86 % , higher than the efficiency of the same kind of home fan .

  8. 本文作者所研制的电液比例恒压阀经台架实验证明:理论分析同实验结果基本一致,满足了这种马达的恒功率变量控制系统的要求。

    After the valve developed by the authors of this paper being tested on the rig , it is shown that the theoretical analysis is basically consistent with the experimental results so that the requirements of variable displacement control system with constant motor power are met .

  9. 经发动机台架试验表明其平均节油率为2.2%

    The bench scale test for engine indicated that the average fuel saving rate was 2.2 % .

  10. 论文针对16缸柴油发动机电控系统研究了基于车载网络CAN总线的分布式结构、控制策略和系统的软硬件,进行了详细设计,并经发动机台架实验获得验证。

    In this paper , CAN-based distributed architecture design is used in 16-cylinder diesel engine electronic control system , detailed descriptions of engine control strategy and the software were made , and also the results of the engine bench test were analyzed .

  11. 经仿真与台架实验证实,整个系统能满足变量施药的要求。

    The spraying pesticide system with changeable quantity can meet the requirements of the simulation and testing .

  12. 经皮穿针起重机架外固定治疗老年股骨转子间骨折56例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Percutaneous Crane Frame External Fixation in Treatment of 56 Elderly Cases of Intertrochanteric Factures