
  1. 草粮兼用玉米主要经济性状通径分析

    Path Analysis on the Major Component Traits of Grass & grain Maize

  2. 疏通知远:中国经济史通识的获取

    The Obtainment of the General Knowledge of Chinese Economic History

  3. 油茶经济性状通径分析和聚类分析研究

    Study on Economic Characters of Tea-oil Trees by Path Coefficient Analysis and Cluster Analysis

  4. 市场经济与暧通空调

    Market economy and HVAC industry

  5. 陆地型长绒棉新种质F2代主要经济性状相关及通径分析

    Correlation and path analysis of f_2 main economic characters in Upland fine-fiber cotton

  6. 墨西哥春小麦品种熟期与穗部经济性状的遗传通径分析

    Path analysis on maturing and economical character of vernal wheat germplasm resources from Mexico

  7. 生物产量和收获指数对经济产量的直接通径系数为0.438和0.374。

    And the directness path coefficient of YB and EI to economic yield is 0.438 and 0.374 , respectively .

  8. 汽轮机的相对内效率是反映汽轮机运行经济性状态及通流部分运行状态的一项重要指标。

    The relative internal efficiency for steam turbine is one of the main economic indexes in evaluating the flow path conditions of steam turbines .

  9. 为了缩小西部地区与东部地区的经济差距,国家通西部大开发政策向西部注入了大量资金,但是投入到西部地区的资金又通过各种渠道重新流回东部地区。

    In order to reduce the economic gap between the west and the east , the government invests large funds to the west , but the funds flow back to the east again .

  10. 指出从技术先进性和经济可行性出发,开发自携井架、自走式专用底盘的经济实用型轮式通井机较为适宜。

    Considering the advancement of technology and feasibility of economy , it is preferable to develop economical and practical wheeled tractor hoist equipped with mast and self-propelled special chassis .