
jīnɡ jì bù jú
  • Economic layout;economic distribution
  1. 生态工业园区:可持续发展经济布局的新探索

    Eco-Industrial Park : A New Exploring Of Economic Distribution For Sustainable Development

  2. 国有经济布局的战略调整分析

    Analysis of State-owned Economic Distribution ′ s Strategic Adjustment

  3. 利用此方法绘制了江苏省人均GNP、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业、GNP、农业人口率等二维和三维趋势面图,通过它对江苏省的经济布局及其趋势状况进行了实证研究。

    The 2D and 3D trend-surface of GNP Per Capita , the First Industry , the Second Industry , the Tertiary Industry , GNP , and agricultural population rate are protracted using this method . The economic layout and economic trend of Jiangsu province are researched by using this trend-surface .

  4. 新的竞争对手正在崛起,向旧的经济布局挑战。

    New competitors are emerging to challenge the old economic arrangements .

  5. 试论武汉在区域经济布局中的地位

    Discussion on the Status of Wuhan in Chinese Regional Economy Layout

  6. 面对这个趋势,我国经济布局也面临优化的考验。

    So , the economy of our country is faced with improvement .

  7. 内蒙古区域综合开发与经济布局的初步研究

    A preliminary study on regional development and economic arrangement in Inner Mongolia

  8. 近期影响河南经济布局的几个因素

    Some Influential Factors on the Economic Allocation in Henan Province

  9. 国有经济布局演进轨迹、影响因素与未来动向

    Evolution , Influence Factors and Tropism of State-owned Economy Composition

  10. 论在治理整顿中调整经济布局和产业结构

    On Readjusting Economic Location and Industrial Structure During Administrating Rectification

  11. 关于国有经济布局调整的几点思考

    A Discussion about the Adjustments in the Distribution of State - owned Economy

  12. 沿河谷的交通网络是其经济布局之基础;

    Along the river the communication electric network is the economic distribution base ;

  13. 论调整国有经济布局

    A Study on Adjusting the Layout of National Economy

  14. 基于效率改进的国有经济布局优化研究

    Research on the Layout Optimization of State-owned Economy Based on the Efficiency Improvement

  15. 地方国有经济布局的路径选择

    On the Selection of Local State-owned Economic Distribution

  16. 产业集群是现代经济布局的一种重要形式。

    Industrial cluster theory is one of the important theory about modern economic distribution .

  17. 兼并重组将成为调整国有经济布局和结构的主要形式,目前我国将迎来一次并购重组的高潮。

    Mergers would become the main forms to restructure layout and frame of national economy .

  18. 在经济布局上加快建设鲁南经济带。

    In the economic layout , we should accelerate the development of Lunan Economic Belt .

  19. 黄冈市矿业经济布局研究

    Study on Huanggang Mining Industry Economic Distribution

  20. 论江苏经济布局的π型态势与盐城经济发展战略

    The Model "π" Situation of Jiangsu Economic Allocation and the Economic Development Strategy of Yancheng city

  21. 研究调整国有经济布局和结构,改革国有资产管理体制问题;

    Adjust the pattern and structure of stateowned economy to restructure the administrative system of state assets ;

  22. 我们要继续推进国有经济布局和结构战略性调整。

    We will continue to make strategic adjustments in the distribution and structure of the state-owned sector .

  23. 今后,福特公司在研发新车型及开展营销时,将充分利用其全球化的规模经济布局。

    Henceforth , Ford will take advantage of global economies of scale when developing new vehicles and marketing them .

  24. 区域交通系统及经济布局与小城镇形态演变的研究

    The Research of the Relationship among Region Economy Composition 、 Traffic System and the Evolvement of Small Town Form

  25. 从战略上调整国有经济布局和改组国有企业需要正确处理几种关系

    On the Various Relationships to Be Correctly Coped with in Conducting Strategic Adjustment and Reform in the State-owned Economy

  26. 促进了产业结构和经济布局的进一步优化;

    Secondly , it helps to promote the further betterment of the industrial structure and economic layout in this area .

  27. 国有经济布局调整应与降低非国有经济进入壁垒有机地结合起来。

    The adjustments in the distribution of state-owned economy should combine with the drop of entering barrier to non-state-owned economy .

  28. 企业发展战略和规划的管理工作与国有经济布局和结构的战略性调整工作是一个有机的整体。

    The enterprises'management of development strategy and plan and strategic readjustment of state-owned economic overall arrangements are an intrinsic whole .

  29. 本文方法尤其适用于多级电压电网的长期规划,它在计算速度和精度上均满足工程要求,它为城市农村供用电网的合理经济布局提供了理论上的依据。

    This method is suitable for the long term planning of the multi-voltage-level distribution network to determine the economical distribution network structure .

  30. 实施西部大开发是对国家经济布局指向和区域经济政策重心作出适时调整的重大战略举措。

    The Grand West Development is the state 's significant strategic move in the economicdirectional layout and timely adjustment of regional economic policy .