
  1. 它运用理论分析方法、经验分析方法、数理统计方法等对宏观经济循环波动这一特定现象进行一整套经济监测、经济评价的体系。

    It uses theory analysis method , experience analysis method , statistical analysis method to supervise and appraise business cycle .

  2. 事故分析是一项复杂的系统工程,传统的经验分析方法很难做到及时、准确,利用智能决策方法和专家系统等组件,构建事故分析决策支持系统是提高事故分析效果的重要途径。

    The accident analysis is a complicated system engineering , it is very difficult that traditional methods can solve problem in time and accurately .

  3. 本文运用经验分析方法,发现延长投资期限是降低养老金基金投资风险的有效方法。

    By empirical analysis , this paper finds that the extension to investment periods is an effective way to reduce investment risk of pension funds .

  4. 用半经验分析方法和空腔膨胀解析分析模型,分别得出了弹体侵彻混凝土时侵彻阻力、侵彻深度与弹体结构、靶体特性参数和侵彻速度等主要影响因素的关系式。

    The relationships among penetration resistance , penetration depth , projectile shapes , concrete properties and penetrating velocity are analyzed approximately by means of semi-empirical methods and cavity-expansion penetration models .

  5. 在侦查逻辑上,分析了常用的演绎推理、二难推理以及经验分析方法,并对古人所载的托梦之类的非理性因素也作了简要介绍。

    Logic in the investigation , analysis of the commonly used deductive reasoning , empirical analysis of Dilemma and methods , and contained the ancient " tomb " like the irrational factors are briefly introduced .

  6. 本文通过对依托工程的静动力性能研究分析,积累了这类桥梁的设计经验和分析方法,所得结果可以为类似桥型设计提供一定的工程应用和参考价值。

    The results can provide the similar bridge design with project application and reference value .

  7. 文章提出了测度管理创新在经济增长中贡献的方法&扣除法,并采用经验分析的方法定量测度了管理创新在中国经济增长中的贡献。

    Deduction is presented to measure the contribution of management innovation to economic growth and used to study China 's economic growth .

  8. 以实证检验测算中国的货币错配程度,然后用经验分析的方法分析中国货币错配的成因与独特性。

    Firstly , empirical estimation was used to test the degree of currency mismatch in China , and then experiencing analysis was made on the causes and unique characteristics of currency mismatch in China .

  9. DEA(主要是CCR模型)是对规模经济问题进行经验分析的有力方法。

    DEA ( mainly CCR model ) is a useful method for an empirical analysis of the economies of scale .

  10. 利用我校网络中心的网络流量监测系统对局域网流量进行采集,通过处理得到不同时段的分组到达过程,采用经验方差时间分析方法,对Hurst参数进行估计。

    We have measured local network traffic with inspect system of network center , we deal with packet arrival process and adopt V / T method to estimate Hurst parameter .

  11. 应用经验正交函数分析方法对北京市郊区各乡的小麦和玉米产量分解为空间分量和时间系数两部分。

    The yields of wheat and corn of various townships in Beijing suburban districts are divided by experimental orthogonal function analysis into two parts , the space component and the time coefficient .

  12. 但是,随着舰船电力系统规模的不断增大,传统的基于经验的稳定性分析方法,已经不能满足舰船电力系统稳定运行的要求,开展舰船电力系统稳定性的分析和研究就显得非常重要。

    But , with the increasing of the size of Naval vessel electric power system , the traditional stability analysis methods based on experience can not meet with the requirements of stable operation of Naval vessel electric power system .

  13. 进一步,我们采用经验似然的Bayesian分析方法研究线性回归模型参数的估计,提出了与Metropolis结合的Gibbs算法估计后验分布的参数,分别对同方差和变方差的模拟数据进行了计算。

    Finally , we apply EL Bayesian analysis to linear regression models , and put the Gibbs + Metropolis algorithm to estimate the parameters of homoscedasticity and heteroscedasticity simulation data , respectively .

  14. 这个立场要求我们通过社会经验和实证分析的方法对法律与社会的关系进行理解。

    This position requires us to understand the relationship between law and society through the perspective of social experience .

  15. 其次,研究了并购的支付方式的选择,主要对有关支付方式选择的影响因素、经验数据及决策分析方法进行探讨。

    Secondly , this part introduces the theoretical explanation of payment type and explores elements influencing the M & A payment , and researches the decision .

  16. 对指标经验权重的灵敏度分析方法进行探讨,确定指标经验权重在什么范围内变化会对方案的排序结果产生影响及如何影响。最后对全文作以总结,并对有待进一步研究的问题进行了展望。

    Finally , a sensitivity analysis method of experience weight is discussed to determine the scope of experience weight , in which experience weight can influence the schemes sorting . Finally , the conclusions are draw and the problems to be further studied are discussed .

  17. 计算机技术的迅猛发展带动了优化设计方法的变更,而在铁路车辆的设计中,我国更多的是参照以往的相关经验,现代的分析方法应用较少。

    The rapid development of Computer technology has led the optimization design method to change dramatically , but as far as the design of railway vehicles is concerned , we are confined more to the reference of former related experience , with few modern analysis method applied .