
  • 网络economic vision
  1. 引领欧元区走过下一个十年将是一项艰巨的任务,需要高超的政治技巧和经济眼光。

    To marshal it through the next decade is going to require great political skills as well as economic vision a tall order .

  2. 成功的投资生涯不需要杰出的智商、非比寻常的经济眼光或内幕消息。

    To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ , unusual business insights , or inside information .

  3. 但是当韦德默兄弟以此书的观点来炫耀自己独到的经济眼光和投资技巧时,他们其实更多地在证明营销的威力。

    But while the Wiedemers use the claims of their first book as proof of their economic and investing prowess , it 's really more correctly proof of the power of marketing .

  4. 苏联用政治眼光评判相对论和量子论,而英国思想家兰斯洛.赫本则用经济眼光评判数学的发展。

    The Soviet Union judged relativity and quantum mechanics by political criteria , while the English theorist Lancelot Hogben sustained an economic explanation of the development of mathematics only by restricting attention to its most elementary applications .

  5. 文章认为,仅用经济发展的眼光看太平洋时代将导致失误。

    The article thinks , the vision that develops with economy only sees Pacific Ocean times will cause error .

  6. 所以,本文用经济伦理的眼光探讨企业交易行为伦理缺陷的原因,并在此基础上寻求企业交易行为良性发展的对策。

    The paper tries to probe into the root of the inappropriate transacting behaviors of companies ' , and seek the practical counter measures for the healthy development of companies'trading behaviors .

  7. 用社会主义市场经济的战略眼光审视传统国有企业制度,客观上存在着不适应市场经济要求的三个深层次矛盾。

    Abstract In the light of strategic observation of Socialist market economy , there objectively exist three thiers of deep contradictions which do not adapt with the requirements of market economy .

  8. 用经济全球化的眼光准确定位,从改变体制和机制入手,通过企业振兴带动区域经济发展,形成规模效应,促进经济和社会协调发展。

    With the positioning from the perspective of the economic globalization , it can be initiated from the reform of the system and mechanism . The development of enterprises may bring about the growth of the regional economy , form the scaled effect and advance economy and society coordinately .