
  • 网络Old Stone
  1. 旧石筑新楼,古木升新火,

    Old stone to new building , old timber to new fires ,

  2. 该文通过对某旧石拱桥改造的实例分析,介绍了旧桥使用性能和工作状态的评价方法,阐述了旧桥改造的方案设计、施工步骤及施工注意事项。

    Through the example analysis of rebuilding an old stone arch bridge , the article introduces the use performance of the old bridge and the evaluation method of the working status , and sets forth the scheme design , construction steps and construction cautions of rebuilding the old bridges .

  3. 几座旧石拱桥重载临时通行处理措施

    Temporary Traffic Measures for Several Overloaded Old Arch Stone Bridges

  4. 当升级游戏中取得的符石时,那个旧符石的花费点数将被退还。

    When upgrading runes gotten in-game the cost of the old rune will now be refunded .

  5. 泥河湾盆地旧石器中晚期石制品原料初步分析

    A preliminary study on raw material exploitation in Middle-Upper Paleolithic sites in Nihewan Basin

  6. 新发现的5处旧石器地点,石制品可能出自下蜀黄土中,时代大约为中更新世中晚期,文化性质与茅山旧石器地点群、皖江两岸及安徽南部的旧石器文化十分接近。

    The character of the Paleolithic culture of the sites is resemble with those found in Maoshan , the valley of Wan river and southern Anhui area .