
  1. 知识与德性在实践中得到统一,以达到“仁”的最高精神境界。

    Both knowledge and virtue should be conformed by practicing gradually until to the highest level of " Ren " .

  2. 孔子作为儒家思想的奠基人,其学说的魅力就在于以仁为核心的道德精神的确立。

    Confucius as the founder of Confucianism , with its doctrine of the attraction lies in the establishment of the " benevolence " as the core moral and spiritual .

  3. 礼,与仁互为表里,仁是礼的内在精神,重礼是“礼仪之邦”的重要传统美德。

    Li , interacts with the kernel , kernel is the inner spirit of the ceremony , re-gift is the " ceremonies " an important traditional virtues .