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  • 网络the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity;Renshou Palace
  1. 你能解释仁寿殿的大镜子是怎么回事吗?

    Could you explain a little about the big mirrors in the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity ?

  2. 仁寿殿之北,有一组戏园建筑。

    Renshoudian north , a group of opera Park Building .

  3. 仁寿殿原名勤政殿,是皇帝坐朝听政的大殿。

    Renshoudian name Qinzheng Palace , the emperor sitting in the hall behind .

  4. 主要建筑有:佛香阁、排云殿、仁寿殿、十七孔桥等。

    Main Building : Buddha incense Court , Paiyundian , Renshoudian , 17 Kong bridges .

  5. 以东宫门内的仁寿殿为中心的一组建筑物,是当时的政治活动区。

    Orient House rushed to the center of a group of buildings Renshoudian , then political activity areas .